In the realm of social media manipulation, Petri Hooli employs DARVO (Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender) tactics to mislead audiences with his narcissistic behavior and pathological lies.
In my recent blog written on October 7th 2024 I explained how a self confessed cyber stalker named Petri Hooli from Finland had used DARVO tactics to try to mislead a social media audience. This involved taking a comment unrelated to himself from the Instagram and claiming the purpose of the post was as a death threat against him. However the reality of the post was there was no mention of him or anything to do with a death threat. If anything the user who made the comment was expressing their own annoyance regarding their own circumstances. You can read more about this here.
This use of DARVO techniques is something which Petri Hooli has implemented over the last few years in feeble & desperate attempts to lie himself out of the actions which has got him recognised for cyberstalking and harassment by the Home Office UK along with his notorious predatory friend Dallas Wittgenfeld.
You would assume that Petri Hooli who has essentially been self incriminating himself over the years would know its better to now disappear under the rock he came from. However this self confessed psychiatric patient who tries to project his own ailments on to myself seems to keep believing that no on can see what he is up to.
A Short Introduction To This Cyber Stalking Situation
The following video’s give a brief overview to how this situation occurred. It is a matter which several authorities over in the UK are aware of including solicitors from Warner Brothers the distributors of the game.
Petri Hooli’s behaviour can be broken down in to two categories. One of narcissism and the other of being pathological lying Both these behaviour can be a considered as part of a mental health condition.
So what Is A Narcissist?
A narcissist is an individual characterized by an excessive preoccupation with themselves, often displaying traits like grandiosity, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. These personality traits create a unique dynamic in relationships, as narcissists tend to manipulate and exploit others to maintain their self-image. Understanding what a narcissist is can help individuals identify unhealthy patterns in their interactions, leading to more informed decisions about personal boundaries. The term “narcissism” is rooted in psychology, stemming from the Greek myth of Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection. This self-obsession can manifest in various forms, including a constant need for validation and a tendency to belittle others. Recognizing these behaviors is crucial in both personal and professional settings, as narcissists can create toxic environments. To fully grasp what a narcissist is, it’s important to explore the underlying motivations that drive their behavior, which often stem from deep-seated insecurities.
What is a Pathological Liar?
A pathological liar is someone who compulsively tells falsehoods regularly. They fabricate stories or events, often believing their own lies. Psychological factors might contribute to their tendency to lie habitually. Pathological liars may experience guilt and anxiety after telling lies. Recognizing patterns in their lies helps in understanding their motives. They might lie about trivial matters, making it harder to detect. Treatment often involves therapy, addressing underlying issues and behaviors.
The below demonstrates how Petri Hooli now working under a new Facebook account called Peace Seeker ( continues the action of deception and defamation against Sarli Jayakody aka Sarliya Jayakody. As Petri Hooli has claimed on many occasions he is a sufferer of an unspecified mental health condition, which he has hinted of his own accord that its most likely schizophrenia . We can simply put the weakness of his facts in his attacks based on the condition of narcissism and pathological lies of a cyber stalker trying to project on to his victim. DARVO in short.
August 2021 – A Conversation with Petri Hooli
In August 2021 after many failed attempts to find a solution with the Police in the UK. I (Sarli Jayakody) was left with no choice but to engage in a discussion with Petri Hooli to try to and dissuade him from his continuous parasitic cyberstalking behaviour and see if I could get him to see reason. The cause of the cyberstalking was due to my common name ‘Sarli Jayakody’ appearing in the game Batman: Arkham City. Obviously a matter which Petri Hooli had taken offence to. as you will read further in this article .
From my own perception of Petri Hooli’s motivation I can only assume that this is due to a form of unnatural jealousy that Petri Hooli has. Fuelled by an underlying health issues which had created a narcissistic personality disorder response. A motivated by a sick and twisted mission in his mind to try and dimmish my existence online. Petri claims he hears all kinds of voices talking in his head.
It seem that Petri Hooli is unable to accept the reality that this Sarli Jayakody. The one who inspired the name to go in to the game, still exists in real life. As within the game Batman: Arkham City , Sarli Jayakody is assassinated by Deadshot.
Truly there is no reason why Petri Hooli has had any reason to attack me since the games release. I am a guy in the UK and he’s a man in Finland. But as you will read within this blog , this internet parasite has gone to all kinds of length to cause alarm and distress in my world . Using acts of defamation, slander, death threats, doxing, hacking and many other forms of cyberstalking shenanigans . And more recently trying to play the victim since his highlighted behaviour of Fixated, Obsessive, Unwanted and Repeated (FOUR) Behaviour has continued well over ten years.
During the conversation in August 2021 I took a photo of Petri Hooli and myself,. The intention of the photo was for me to provide it to the Police force over here in the UK . So they could see that the person who was attacking me online was indeed Petri Hooli. The Police were not dismissing that I was a victim of cyberstalking, the evidence provided pretty much confirmed it. In this video which was originally put up in February 2024 on the Facebook page I explain why I took the photo and the purpose of it
Petri Hooli’s Bullshido Breakdown
As you hear at the end of the video I realised that Petri Hooli as I suspected was a man who was suffering somekind of mental health illness. I assumed schizophrenia. something which i have touched on in the blog section
However since that day on several occasion this photo has re-emerged on Petri Hooli’s account. More recently on his new facebook called Peace Seeker. Where yet again Petri Hooli himself has tried to manipulate an unsuspecting social media audience in an action of DARVO. An image also used by Military Phony and Petri Hooli’s allie notorious smear campaigner Dallas Wittgenfeld . Both men trying to defame and attack the name. You will read later on how these two individuals also focused on attacking Rocksteady Studios .

To break down the bullshido of Petri Hooli’s actual recent comments, If you watched the video above you will see what Petri Hooli has written in September 2024 is close to replicating what I said in the video in February 2024. A DARVO action to make him sound like the victim.
Petri Hooli on a continuoius basis has done this kind of replication in his acts of cyberstalking. Ironically this kind of behaviour of Petri Hooli was also noted by his own friend in April 2021 where his friend Jarno Harmaala states .
That Petri Hooli is a slave to cheap books, doesn’t have a thought of his own but the energy to curse others

Based on this statement about this parasitic cyber stalker Petri Hooli and his continuous failed attempt in the acts of DARVO to silene me. The below break down of Petri Hoolis defamation should not be such a surprise in how pathetic a cyber stalker really is
DARVO Vs Reality
‘A picture of me and Sarliya Jayakody. I’m Sarli’s obsession he thinks I’ve hacked his phone‘ – Petri Hooli

Received on Twitter Account in August 2021
You have to wonder why I think Petri Hooli has hacked my phone? This was the message I received from Petri Hooli in August 2021. Read it carefully. There are other forms of evidence which also would point that Petri Hooli was/ has been using Spyware/Malware to access my phone and track it.
Petri likes to claim he knows nothing about the hacking , However with such a vast range of spyware on the open market, you don’t have to be a genius to be able to track a phone these days .
‘And that I’m following him, he’s been posting hate accounts me four years now’ – Petri Hooli
This statement is untrue, has only been around for two years since 2022. Prior to that I was dealing with the Police and Warner Brothers about this situation. Additionally, If you watch the following video , there is evidence that suggests Petri Hooli has been following me since only 1 year after the games release in 2012. And demonstrates a continuous trend in that behaviour mentioned by his friend Jarno for over ten years. Part of the evidence which was given to the police in the UK.
He’s totally paranoid about me, he thought nazis are educating me to some kind of new Führer. – Petri Hooli
As for Petri Hooli claiming I think he’s a nazi and being educated to become a new Führer. Again this is a delusional statement made by this self confessed psychiatric patient. I think if Petri Hooli became the leader of a right wing movement it would be an insult to the whole movement based on the stupidity of this individual. Admittedly there were speculative blogs regarding Petri Hooli’s original motivation back in 2012 of why he began the cyberstalking in the first place which you can learn about here
However displaying yourself as a Finnish man in front of or with Right Wing Iconography and defending another criminal Bettina Mary Bakarani, who was exposed for singing Nazi outlawed songs probably doesn’t help. Nor does having your face seen by 10, 000’s on an Anti Racism march in London or website to counter anti racism probably is not a good look.

I’ll expand on Bettina Mary Bakarani and Petri Hooli’s association sometime in the near future. Bakarani’s involvement in the harassment I received was not a major one. She was more interested in defaming women such as LJ Potter from Stop Your Stalker. However Petri Hooli himself involved her in my situation, similar to how Dallas Wittgenfeld. Seem Petri Hooli who likes to claim he’s a Peace Seeker, generally finds association with known and notorious criminals to his liking.
He called me supervillan Geist of Batman comicbooks – Petri Hooli
No one has ever stated to Petri Hooli that he is a super villain called Geist. Another untrue statement which Petri Hooli has made up himself. However within the Batman Fandom there is a user called Geist who I came across in 2012. Petri Hooli himself is the only person to identify the name Geist as a super villain. The Police in the UK just considered the word as the German for Ghost. Petri Hooli calling himself Geist is probably again part of the insecure jealousy he has to want to be part of the legacy of Batman . In the same way he associated himself as Deadshot in September 2024. Dead Shot is the assassin who killed Sarli Jayakody in the game.
You can do some further reading on the blog entry written in November 2022 called Arkham City Staff. where you will read an uncanny ‘coincidence’ how the name ‘Sarli Jayakody’ was inputted at an early stage in to the fandom above many other well known characters.
He always keeps mentioning a Batman video game cos in that game was mentioned similar name than his name Sarli Jayakody – Petri Hooi
I do indeed keep mentioning the Batman game which Petri Hooli has avoided to mention. The name Sarli Jayakody was entered in to the game Arkham City because of a momentary flash of inspiration by one of the developers from Rocksteady Studio. I will refer to him as Mr. Castle for now to keep his own identity anonymous.
My name is Sarliya Jayakody but I am commonly known as Sarli Jayakody as you can see from this entry in the news paper article in July 1990. The entry was in the paper 22 years before the game was developed. So there is very little question that the entry was named after me. This entry is just one of many which has me referred to as Sarli Jayakody . The Police in the UK recognize my name as Sarli Jayakody, The Home Office in the UK also recognised my name as Sarli Jayakody.

The only person who has had a problem with it is Petri Hooli as he has consistently demonstrated over the years with images of death threats and hate similar to this one created by him in 2022

Further reading on these death threats made by Petri Hooli, can be found here
He’s been calling me a Pedophile – Petri Hooli
I’ve never actually called Petri Hooli a pedophile. There have been angry mothers who have put up accounts referring to a cyber stalker who has an unhealthy interest in children. Accounts which Petri Hooli himself has attacked without his name being mentioned and claiming the videos where about him. Hence those accounts ended up with his face and name on them. If you are not a Pedophile Cyber stalker why would you admit to accounts about them. It indeed shows the lack of intelligence Petri Hooli has, however I am empathetic with the understanding that he is indeed psychologically challenged.
There’s been information passed to the police in 2021 showing that while in a discussion with them Petri Hooli was excusing himself for having possible traces of incriminating images of children on his computer. Again all part of his coincidental behaviour.
However in August 2024 Petri Hooli under his old Instagram account’ the.peace.seeker75′ started putting up further images of children being breast fed on his page. Nothing really unusual about this if you’re a mother with a child .
Petri Hooli however is almost 50 year old man, with a history of psychological illness, a loner, waiting on an arranged marriage, who as you probably have read above seems to be nothing more than a pathological liar. However these images where flagged up and reported to Internet Watch Foundation.
As you will read on their website, the Internet Watch Foundation exist to hunt down and remove any online record of child sexual abuse. The criminals responsible for making, sharing and even selling this kind of illegal images.
Petri Hooli likes to claim that he removed his Instagram due to him making a DARVO claim that I was stalking and harassing him. But I think you may find that the reason his Instagram disappeared is a bit more sinister
I could keep on taking apart Petri Hooli’s bullshido on every line. Not based on my words or opinions but using Petri Hooli’s own words. As you will see further in this blog and are probably recognizing in this article Petri Hooli is only deceiving unsuspecting men, women and most likely children based on a narcissistic attitude driven by schizophrenia and the veil of anonymity mentioned by Dr Nuccitelli from The Ipredator website.
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