This particular Cyber Stalker from Finland will most likely tell you that what I write here is coincidental or as one time he expressed,
It’s his spiritual capability to know things about my life
I have written so far, certain cross referenceable coincidence based on right wing representation. Which seems prevalent with this cyber stalker from Finland,
An individual who has for a long period of time been secretly invading my privacy and maybe many others
This right-wing mentality is not the main reason but contributes toward this particular’s individuals, unstable and unhealthy mind to cyberstalk. But his behaviour seems to echo Sisäministeriö statement
‘Justifying actions on the basis of one’s own view of the world, or on ideological grounds ‘
Some Dishonorable Coincidences
Kalvero Kurkiala – SS Officer
My cyber stalker displayed in a public post, his name on a dog tag. Interestingly enough the middle name was Kalervo. If you research in to this name, you will find an informative article written within a Military History Fandom about a Soldier called Kalvero Kurkiala. A Finnish Solider who was a pastor and one time then served in Waffen-SS. My Cyber Stalker seems to like to pass himself as a man of God these days with psychic downloading ability. I’m wondering how the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland will feel when they will be presented that unwittingly they ended up being used as part of my cyber stalker’s sick reality.

KISS – SS Bolt Logo
Before my cyber stalker decided to reduce down his social media in October 2022. Many of his social media posts on Instagram had the KISS Flag. Again there is controversial over the KISS. Matthew Wilkening writes on how KISS ‘For more than four decades, the band’s logo has been changed to avoid unintended and unwanted comparisons to the “s-bolts” logo of the Nazi Party’s paramilitary Schutzstaffel forces. Specifically, the last two letters in KISS.

Punisher Logo – SS Skull
Similar to the fact that my Cyber Stalker seemed to frequently display himself with a Punisher T-Shirt. Unfortunately, this legendary Marvel character’s logo and quotes have now been adopted by the right wing due to the similarities with the Nazi SS skull. You can learn more about this here Marvel’s Punisher Problem
Eagles and Salutes – Nazi Symbolism
This cyber stalker also sports a double headed eagle tattooed on his right forearm. There is quite a lot of interesting historical research on the double headed eagle. But if you search deeper you will start to uncover how this symbol is associated with right wing iconography.

There are other aspects of this Cyber Stalker which would also contribute to them having right wing points of view. However, this would cause a certain female politician from Finland, some embarrassment.
To be featured on a site about a cowardly cyber stalker
I’m Not a Racist, I Have Black Friends’
Learn how this cyber stalker reacts when his right-wing view is highlighted
When this cyber stalker was called out for his racist projections. He suddenly produced photos of him with two black people and transformed the old age excuse of I’m Not a Racist, I Have Black Friends’