In her compelling article, Gina Wiffen sheds light on her harrowing experience with internet stalking by Edna Fae McQueen’s. The artist also provides a gripping account of the predatory behavior exhibited by Petri Hooli and Dallas Wittgenfeld.
The following article gives the back ground on how Petri Hooli a self confessed psychiatric patient from Finland and Dallas Wittgenfeld a common American criminal and exposed Stolen Valor fraudster targeted and attacked another registered victim of cyberstalking in the UK.
The article written by Gina Wiffen give an insight to the struggle with her own internet stalker Edna Fae McQueen and an account of the predatory behaviour of Petri Hooli and Dallas Wittgenfeld who attacked her online due to her speaking out against these internet predators. Something both Petri Hooli and Dallas Wittgenfeld do on a regular basis against women. actively targeted in the aim to intimidate and silent them from speaking the truth.
Gina was featured along with Sarli Jayakody aka Sarliya Jayakody on the Social Media Monster Documentary by Directed by Peter John Ross’ YouTube channel after the infamous Matthew Berdyck attacked her.
Hello. My name is Gina and I reside in London, England. I am 55 years old, widowed and I am also considered a vulnerable citizen due to several rather severe and debilitating chronic illnesses that I have been diagnosed with over the years from my 20’s onwards and to present day. Due to my chronic ailments, I have been unable to work full time for a number of years, however, I worked part time throughout the duration of my children’s youth and in recent years was forced to retire on medical grounds due to the severity and progression of one of the diseases I have. On that basis, I decided to turn my hand to learning digital art and this is where I entered into the world of online art and design and how I ended up with a prolific, unpleasant and extremely venomous and cruel stalker, Edna Fae McQueen, who, since approximately 2016, has been stalking me and watching my every move.

I say approximately as I was blissfully unaware of her presence for a long time due to her “following” me using the false identity of Martin Hail on Instagram and Pinterest.
How I Discovered I Had A Stalker
To be honest, I had no idea as to what was about to unfold and to say I wasn’t prepared for any of it is a complete and total understatement. So, here I was minding my own business for some years on my art journey, to this point, had been an extremely happy and fulfilling experience with lots of interesting learning curves along the way. I was making friends with other content creators as well who had also decided to do the same as me and branch out into the world of motion graphics and video creation. In March of 2020, not too long after lockdown was implemented, I was following this particular creator when she posted to Facebook about her page being cloned and how her content was being stolen from her page and posted to a cloned page, thus stealing her identity, work and her ideas etc
I happened to ask this creator who they think would do something so unkind to her and her response was that she suspected it was Lady In Red Coffee Hour and guess who is the person behind that identity… Yes, it’s Edna Fae McQueen. I responded to the content creator telling her that it was such a rotten and low thing to do to someone and guess what? Not even a few hours later, I discovered that my identity had also been stolen by Edna Fae McQueen and my page was also now cloned in its’ entirety as well. Not only did Edna Fae McQueen steal my identity, she began stealing every art post I made anywhere on social media, not just on Facebook. My social media presence was mostly on Pinterest at the time, sometimes on Instagram and I was in the throes of trying to build up a following on Facebook.
Progression Of Stalking & Harassment
Well, this case of stalking and harassment of me escalated very quickly. My art was being stolen from me multiple times daily and posted to Edna Fae McQueen’s pages she created to clone me and the other content creator I mentioned. Not only that, I then discovered that my Instagram account had an attempted hacking and I’d never had any problems in the past with it. My personal photographs were also being used by Edna Fae McQueen and she then decided to utilise a page she had titled “Martin Gifs & Art” on Facebook to be abusive to me as well, inclusive of multiple death threats and posting photos of my dog who passed away in summer 2024.
The page had approximately 56,000 followers at that time and some of them joined in with the abuse. The attacks were daily and nonstop, ranging from being abusive about my appearance, posting libel, encouraging her followers to visit my page and profile to also assault and attack me and as I previously mentioned, multiple death threats made towards me by Edna Fae McQueen. I contacted my local police and the rest, as they say, is history. Up to present day, I have dealt with nonstop stalking and harassment online from Edna Fae McQueen all these years, only last week I was advised she stole my fairy art and posted it with my copyright information completely cropped out, not once, but twice to one of her many Instagram profiles. This particular profile is currently titled “Coffee Hour With Lady.”
The stalking includes her hacking into my Facebook account and stealing images of me that were never in the public domain. I kept them in a photo album on my Facebook page with the setting as custom so only I could view them. I did this as there are photos of my family in there and I like to keep things like this private. I am a painfully private individual and always have been. These images were used by Edna Fae McQueen to create fake accounts of me on MeWe and for the purpose of abuse on her Lady In Red Coffee Hour and Lady In Red 365 pages on MeWe as well as her personal profile. MeWe were contacted by law enforcement and the abuse was removed and the pages disabled. The stalking and harassment also continued inclusive of more death threats, nonstop attacks and encouragement of followers to come to me and be abusive to me. In 2022, on a Facebook page Edna Fae McQueen created to clone a close friend of mine, she posted an address I use here in the UK for work purposes, along with libellous harassment text and abuse. She also posted it to her TikTok, a following at the time of over 55,000.
This post was duplicated multiple times on social media by Edna Fae McQueen and law enforcement were notified. Both the police in Livermore, California and in my locale are aware of these illegal doxxing posts, as well as the hacking and death threats made to me over the years. The upshot is I am still being hounded, harassed and stalked by Edna Fae McQueen, she has taken to copycat stalking, as I have termed it. Her behaviour is that of the “Single White Female” and if you have watched the film, you will know what I am talking about.
Oh and that Martin Hail person I mentioned earlier? Yes, he doesn’t exist. He is one of thousands of false identities created by Edna Fae McQueen to stalk, abuse and harass me. I block her to the best of my ability and she slithers through the cracks to creep on everything I do and say. She has also utilised DARVO tactics hundreds of times and her behaviour is very much a FOUR category.
How I Encountered Petri Hooli
I concluded quite some time ago that this stalking and harassment was never going to end. I needed somewhere to publicly document these events for my own safety and that of my family, so I decided to use a Facebook page I hardly posted to and create a sort of journal and documentation of events as and when they happened and still happen. It’s always nice to find someone supportive as being a victim of cyberstalking and online harassment and bullying is a very lonely and isolating experience for the most part. I was fortunate to cross paths with another victim of cyberstalking and our situations were eerily similar and with multi jurisdictional problems.
I found him to be extremely supportive and understanding of my situation and as I was reading through his documented posts and evidence of what Petri Hooli was subjecting him to, I was absolutely horrified at what was being done to him. He is now my friend, Sarli Jayakody and what he has been put through and what he is still put through is unforgivable on the part of Petri Hooli. So, I began commenting to Sarli and expressing my views on what was being done to him, it was like taking a trip into some horrific nightmare and that nightmare is never-ending. Upon reading through Sarli’s posts and his documentation of evidence, it was extremely disturbing to bear witness to what was and is being done to him, so, if that is how it makes me feel as a witness, then how on earth must this make Sarli feel? What I witnessed was a nonstop tirade of libellous abuse towards Sarli from Petri Hooli, which to this day, is never-ending and now I’m included in the people Petri Hooli attacks regularly.
There are frightening images out there created by Petri Hooli, one of them being of Petri Hooli holding a gun to Sarli’s head and another of a beheaded woman and Petri Hooli holding her severed head with a smug and self gratified look upon his face. Petri Hooli claims this is all okay under the umbrella of art and has on multiple occasions claimed my art to be bullshit. That’s okay, I would much rather my art be viewed as bullshit, rather than horrifyingly disturbing and getting “this person is capable of murder” vibes from it.

I have also bore witness to Sarli’s address being posted hundreds of times by Petri Hooli, on some occasions with death threats and threats of violence thrown in. Petri Hooli has also confessed to hacking into Sarli’s phone and admitting he was going to do it again. So, why has Petri Hooli been throwing my name around like a ping pong ball? The answer is very simple. I publicly commented expressing my disgust and disdain for him, after reading through all the documentation, evidence and screenshots and after seeing proof that Petri Hooli is also registered with the UK Home Office as a cyberstalker and online predator.
When he first approached me on Instagram back in July 2024, he was incredibly rude to me as I refused to entertain his lies and defamation of Sarli. He tried to protest his innocence, however, I have witnessed far too much of his stalking and harassment of Sarli and it has sickened me to the core and on occasions has made me feel physically sick to my stomach. I shudder to think what Petri Hooli is actually capable of. He does frighten me in some ways. When Petri Hooli knew he wasn’t going to get anywhere with me, he screenshot my comment and posted it to one of his many Instagram accounts, accusing me of being a lynch mob along with various name calling and rather childish remarks for a middle aged man.
Since July 2024, Petri Hooli has sought me out on Facebook and posts about me regularly, referring to me as a flying monkey, stupid, a bullshit artist and wishing bad karma, death and the wrath of God upon me. I blocked him along with his actual “flying monkey” the nefarious Dallas Wittgenfeld and Petri Hooli’s handler and enabler Tomi Hamalainen, also a resident of Finland and a person of questionable character. Yet, all of them seem to be able to still see my Facebook page and profile which is rather concerning and distressing for me.

Dallas Wittgenfeld is a whole other story, however, he has formed an alliance with Petri Hooli and both have worked and still work together to harass, stalk and abuse Sarli and myself, along with several others whose names I will omit from this statement for legal reasons due to an ongoing case based in Lake County, Florida. Please do feel free to Google and to research this matter for yourselves. Dallas Wittgenfeld has tried to follow me numerious times, using his own identity and that of “The Skydiving Clown From Hell.” To my knowlegde he currently uses the identity of “Friends of Mr Douglas 129H and Concerned Citizen on Facebook. Dallas Wittgenfeld is notoriously known for stalking and has a criminal record for past offences for which he was jailed in Maryland some years ago.
Dallas Wittgenfeld then decided to try his luck with me by taking screenshots of a video I am publicly in and posting them to another of his abuse pages titled “Military Phonies” on Facebook. He doctored and posted my image multiple times, along with abuse and plagiarised text from my website, along with attempting to doxx me as well. He has also tried to align himself personally several times with Edna Fae McQueen. Petri Hooli enjoyed these posts and liked each and every one of them.
I reported Dallas Wittgenfeld for copyright infringement multiple times and as a result he had his Facebook account disabled, however, he is now back and actively using his “Friends Of Mr Douglas 129H” as well as a smear profile called ‘Concerned Citizen’.

Amongst all this going on, whilst I was still dealing with Edna Fae McQueen’s continual copycat stalking and theft of my art and the stalking and abuse of me by Dallas Wittgenfeld, Petri Hooli was creating fake pages on Facebook to also stalk, harass and attack me because he simply doesn’t like my opinion of him based on concrete evidence, facts and screenshots of his nefarious online behaviour. Petri Hooli also publishes libelous posts about Sarli, myself and others regularly to his profile on Facebook, all the while trying to claim he is a victim. A classic DARVO tactic, I mentioned DARVO in a previous paragraph.
So, where does this leave me today, on a rather mild Autumn day in October, 2024? I have contacted my local police, the police in Finland, also a lady named Katja Stills who I am given to understand works within law enforcement in Petri Hooli’s jurisdiction. I have also taken steps to contact my local Government and the UK Home Office, coupled with the Internet Watch Foundation, after presenting them with evidence of a post Petri Hooli published to one of his Instagram accounts (now disabled by Petri Hooli as I believe he is scared), featuring a minor in, what was agreed by the Internet Watch Foundation, to be an extremely inappropriate situation with a half naked young female. ,
This is a highly distressing situation to be in, I fear for my safety and that of my entire family online, I fear for the safety of my friend Sarli overall. Petri Hooli is reported to be living in a psychiatric facility due to severe mental health issues, which I’m guessing means he is not fit to be in society. Hence, him having his handler, Tomi Hamalainen. Which begs the question…. If Petri Hooli is considered a danger to society, why is he freely allowed to have access to the internet to stalk, harass and abuse others and be a danger to them and to their lives online and offline? Why is this allowed to happen in the first place, let alone continue for years and at the behest of Tomi Hamalainen who, I’m assuming, is responsible for Petri Hooli as his handler?
To conclude, if you simply disagree with Petri Kalvero Hooli, then please be prepared for an onslaught and tirade of stalking, abuse, harassment, death threats, libellous posts about you, ill wishes bestowed upon you and a daily life of fear at what he will do next. Sarli Jayakody and I are living proof that Petri Hooli will never cease in his nefarious, obsessive, unwanted and repeated stalking and harassment.
Dallas Wittgenfeld & Petri Hooli Targets Gina Wiffen – What You Need to Know
In this eye-opening video, Petri Hooli takes center stage to defend Dallas Wittgenfeld, an ex-criminal and predator notorious for stalking multiple victims. Watch as Hooli aligns himself with Wittgenfeld, raising questions about accountability and the consequences of past actions. Meanwhile, the video highlights the intense conflict between Hooli and Gina Wiffen, who has bravely spoken out against the hate and abuse directed towards her
Is Gina Wiffen The Only Female Being Attacked by Petri Hooli & Dallas Wittgenfeld?
Watch More: Unmasking Internet Predators: The Dark Side of Social Media
Learn More
I too have been experienced and can vouch for the stalking by Edna Fae McQueen along with her theft of art created by myself and others. I have had my gifs taken by this woman often with my logo and name covered up while she inserted her own page name instead. I had reported it to Facebook many many times. This all began several years ago, I would say about seven yrs now. To this day she still, at times,takes some of my images and claims them as her own. I admit to sharing other’s creations but I always, if possible and known, credit the creator of the original work. There is a difference in sharing compared to stealing. I just wanted to let others know that yes, Edna McQueen with her very many AKA’S, Lady in Red etc etc is a phony and now uses Youtube videos as “her” creations. Don’t believe me? See for yourself on any of her pages. Thanks.
Thank you so much for publishing the article I wrote. It appears we are being defamed multiple times daily by Petri Hooli, who seems to be having a full on public midlife breakdown due to his glaring resentment of the truth being spoken by those, he and his friend, Dallas Wittgenfeld, stalk and harass every single day. He has many victims and the list will only continue to grow whilst he stalks and harasses people for seeing and speaking the truth as to who and what he is. A social media maniac, stalker and predator who publicly supports and aligns himself with ex convicted criminals.