Delve into the disturbing actions of Dallas Wittgenfeld, who has been exposed for acts of stolen valor. His disgraceful reputation as someone lacking honor is further compounded by his willingness to harass, defame, and stalk those who dare to reveal the truth about him.
Our previous article, ‘Petri Hooli’s Campaign Against Don Roley: Exposing Internet Lies‘ sheds light on Wittgenfeld’s troubling involvement in a cyberstalking case tied to Petri Hooli. Hooli recognised in the UK as a cyber stalker and online abuser. Both men awkwardly attempting to support one another, but the evidence they present to a wider audience is quickly dissected, exposing the truth behind their fabrications.
It appears that Petri Hooli has found inspiration in Dallas Wittgenfeld as a key influencer on his journey to mastering the art of being an online cyber predator.
The Many Changing Faces Of Dallas Wittgenfeld
It’s not uncommon for cyber stalkers to manage multiple accounts across various platforms.
Dallas Wittgenfeld has operated under various accounts on Facebook. However the lack of intelligence & discretion often exposes him as the individual behind behind these malicious accounts .
The Sky Diving Clown From Hell
The Sky Diving Clown From Hell was the original account which Dallas Wittgenfeld decided to approach Sarli Jayakody with in late February 2024.
Originally Dallas tried to pose as a victim of cyberstalking as well as get his weak and attention seeking ego acknowledged by making claims under the name of The Red Devils. Using picture which were easily found via a google search,. Photos which were not off himself but he was ready to attempt to deceive others with. Backtracking quickly when he realised he was not fooling anyone
This action heighted the suspicion of Sarli Jayakody who was managing the Facebook page . Jayakody hoping this strange attention seeking old man would just go away.
It’s important to note that Dallas Wittgenfeld in his tactics to manipulate the audience and evade incrimination changed the photos of his profile photo on multiple occassions.
After the warning Don Roley gave to Sarli Jayakody about Dallas Wittgenfeld. Roley himself then became the profile photo of The Sky Diving Clown From Hell. Dallas demonstrating the acts of harassment and defamatory behaviour which he has become recognised for.
The screenshots below demonstrating how Dallas Wittgenfeld intention to harass Sarli Jayakody on the Facebook page shows the obsessive and fixated nature of a cyber stalker.

The Image Dallas Wittgenfeld used of Don Roley on the page

Special Operator HDQ
On March 20, 2024, Dallas Wittgenfeld made a controversial move by changing the name of his smear page from “The Skydiving Clown From Hell” to “Special Operator HDQ.” This decision appears to be yet another attempt to mask his previous defamatory actions against Sarli Jayakody and Don Roley.
In an ironic twist, it seems that Dallas underestimated the power of social media transparency. Despite his attempts to erase his past, the name change was promptly updated in the ‘About’ section of the Facebook page, leaving a digital footprint that is far from vanishing.
As you can see within the history of the page , before it became “The Sky Diving Clown From Hell’ or ‘Special Operator HDQ’ the page was known as Iceland Multi Media Initiative Expose.
An unusual name for Dallas Wittgenfeld to use. Dallas himself resides in Orange City, Florida, so essentially has no affixation with Iceland .
Interestingly enough in 2016 when the page was created, Don Shipley from the Extreme SEAL Experience had several run in’s with Daniel A Bernath and Dallas Wittgenfeld for being Military Phonies. Don Shipley and the page Military Phonies waring individuals that Dallas was trying to run a scam.
Details of that situation can be found here and here for those who are interested in learning a bit more about the back ground history of exactly what Dallas Wittgenfeld is capable off
Military Phonies
Military Phonies, yet another one of Dallas Wittgenfeld’s deceptive smear accounts! This one is clumsily titled in a way that tries to mimic the well-known website Military Phonies, which successfully uncovered his history as a military fraudster.
A strategy by Dallas implemented to create confusion, or maybe simply a reflection of a shocking lack of originality? Similar to Petri Hooli’s tactics.

Let’s not forget that Sarli Jayakody, Don Roley, and Gina Wiffen are just a few of the innocent individuals targeted by Dallas Wittgenfeld. A quick look at the reviews on the page Military Phonies reveals a pattern of deceit and manipulation that impacts many more victims.
Concerned Citizen
In recent months, Gina Wiffen took a stand against the misuse of her images by Dallas Wittgenfeld by reporting him on Facebook. Her courageous action led to a brief halt in the defamatory content circulating on social media
However, this victory was short-lived, as a new page called ‘Concerned Citizen’ quickly emerged. This page was notably endorsed by Petri Hooli, who has been vocal in his defamation campaign against Sarli Jayakody, Don Roley and Gina Wiffen.
Considering the context provided about Dallas Wittgenfeld, it raises questions about Petri Hooli’s intentions. Maybe he is trying to expose Wittgenfeld further, or more likely another attempt to spread misinformation against the fact of his behaviour.

Using strategies similar to ‘The Sky Diving Clown from Hell,’ ‘Special Operator HQ,’ and Military Phonies, Dallas Wittgenfeld appears to be constantly changing the photos of the profile to create confusion and mislead those who might be gathering screenshots. In many support organizations aimed at tackling cyberstalking and stalking, there’s a strong focus on the importance of capturing screenshots. However, it’s also crucial to highlight the need for collecting video evidence in situations like this.

More recently as of this post (29th October 2024) Dallas Wittgenfeld has been using the following image and details on the Facebook page ‘Concerned Citizen’.

The man in the photo is Jonn Lilyea. Jonn Lilyea, a retired U.S. Army Noncommissioned Officer. After serving as a platoon sergeant in Charley Co, 1/41st Infantry with the renowned 3rd Brigade of the Second Armored Division Forward during Desert Storm. Jonn had transitioned from military service to a mission of media accountability. He was dedicated to challenging the narrative around military news and ensuring the truth was heard. Jonn was also the lead writer for the popular military blog “This Ain’t Hell,”
This Aint Hell was a blog which also exposed the antics and the acts of Stolen Valor by Dallas Wittgenfeld. Sadly and due to the dismay of many individuals Jonn Lilyea passed away in 2018.

In the wake of the tragic loss of a beloved American military member, Dallas Wittgenfeld continued to exploit Jonn Lilyea’s image in a damaging manner.
Not only has Dallas Wittgenfeld cursed and wished death on Jonn’s wife as can be seen in the YouTube footage.

It’s quite ironic that Dallas Wittgenfeld is urging Petri Hooli to reach out to organizations in the UK. This short-sighted, elderly figure appears to have little grasp of how things operate in this country, as well as not really understanding the dilemmas he has caused for himself. For Petri Hooli and Dallas Wittgenfeld to gain attention for engaging in acts of cyberstalking and harassment on a scale that involves the Home Office is significant. All of the organizations Dallas wants Petri to contact are likely already aware of their actions. It’s clear that both men are not only desperate to manipulate their way out of the mess they’ve created but are also trying to turn on each other while targeting innocent individuals who are standing up against their behavior.
Dallas Wittgenfeld & Petri Hooli Targets Gina Wiffen – What You Need to Know
In this eye-opening video, Petri Hooli takes center stage to defend Dallas Wittgenfeld, an ex-criminal and predator notorious for stalking multiple victims. Watch as Hooli aligns himself with Wittgenfeld, raising questions about accountability and the consequences of past actions. Meanwhile, the video highlights the intense conflict between Hooli and Gina Wiffen, who has bravely spoken out against the hate and abuse directed towards her.
Learn More About Dallas Wittgenfeld

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