The Sky Diving Clown from Hell – Dallas Wittgenfeld
Towards the end of February 2024 I ( Sarli Jayakody aka Sarliya Jayakody) was approached by a user on the Facebook account The user was cloaked under the name ‘The Skydiving Clown from Hell’. This particular user started engaging me in a conversation regarding visiting the Imperial War Museum Duxford with friends for the VE Day fly over in June 2024. Since the individual seemed to be a Vietnam Veteran, I paid him due respect as I was brought up in a military background. I told him I had been to formerly known RAF Duxford and it would be cool that if he came to the UK and gets to London, I would be happy to visit him for a drink even attend the event in Duxford.
During our brief dialogue the Skydiving Clown from Hell started posting comments and images in the comment boxes of the page. Nothing to do with cyberstalking but images of parachutist. And claiming that the British Red Devils Parachute team here in the UK knew and awarded him with honors.
Later down the line I found out this was a common practice of Wittgenfeld’s to blow his own trumpet as part of his deceptions, something he did with Gerald Greysmith’s as can be seem in the video on Tik Tok
I started to become fairly skeptical about the user as he seemed more interested in me acknowledging that he was a great parachutist and some kind of war hero, rather than a victim or have anything to do with cyberstalking. I started running image searches on the photos he was posting, which seemed to be stock photos and images commonly available online.
Hence I started becoming more and more cautious and suspicious of ‘The Skydiving Clown From Hell ‘.
Enter The Ninja
Bujinkan (Japanese: 武神館) itself is an international martial arts organization based in Japan and headed by Masaaki Hatsumi. Masaaki Hatsumi is a name I was aware, having a lifelong love of martial arts. So I knew that Masaaki Hatsumi was considered as the Grandmaster of Ninjitsu. Essentially the training of Ninjas.
I have to admit i was fairly curious why Don Roley was approaching me. First I thought it was the parasite Petri Hooli catfishing. But Don’s message seemed genuine in its tone.

In Don’s message he started to reveal that this so called ‘Skydiving Clown from Hell’ was a man called Dallas Wittgenfeld who had a reputation of stalking and had been exposed by Don Shipley from for acts of stolen valor. Which actually lead to Dallas Wittgenfeld threatening Mr Shipley and his wife. You can start learn more about this incident here:
Don explained that Dallas Wittgenfeld had a reputation of making threats and that I shoud research in to Dallas Wittgenfeld and not just take his word for it. Also that I should be very aware of this cyberstalking smear campaigner before I went to far the rabbit hole.
Obviously when you are dealing with people on the internet, especially based on the subject of cyberstalking anyone can make any claim. So I started to research who Dallas Wittgenfeld was and also who Don Roley was. Don himself came up legitimate, he was indeed an instructor of Ninjitsu and an author. As well as being one of the administrators of a Facebook page called The Martial Arts Hall of Shame.
As for Dallas Wittgenfeld, there were many entries about this prolific and common criminal from the USA. The sites explained a long history of him being a fraud, stalking, smear campaigning, alcoholism , childish behaviour and generally being a dickhead. A lot of them werefilled with images of him in prison overalls and jail records to go with it. Obviously a man who many people in the American Armed Forces where aware off.

I didn’t want to engage to much further with Dallas Wittgenfeld as he was still active on my Facebook page and I was hoping he would get bored , become quiet and just go away. I had nothing to do with the American Military or Stolen Valor. I was hoping this Dallas Wittgenfeld fool had made a mistake based on the fact he had been targetting individuals from the USA. And eventually work out I was a guy in the UK.
The reason I was online was defending myself from the defamation which Petri Hooli was writing about me.
Ironicaly the day Don Roley warned me about this cyber terrorist. Dallas Wittgenfeld began defaming and slandering Don Roley on The Skydiving Clown From Hell. A taste of the false accusations, defamation, cyberstalking and slander which Dallas Wittgenfeld was also about to deliver on to myself.

And as you will slowly learnthe internet parasite Petri Hooli eventually joined in with these attacks on Don Roley. Like on many occasions Petri Hooli using his usual DARVO tactics to try to avoid his own incrimination.
More about this toxic love affair of Dallas Wittgenfeld and Petri Hooli coming soon and why Petri Hooli decided to write such abusive words.

Is Dallas Wittgenfeld ‘The Skydiving Clown from Hell’ ?
If you refer to Konigun ninjers.blogspot created by another one of Dallas Wittgenfeld targets and you read the first article titled ‘Winnah, Winnah, Chicken Dinnah! by Cayce Lancaster. There are 9 comments under that article. Besides The Purple Heart Parachutist who is Dallas Wittgenfeld within those comments you will find an anonymous poster who refers to ‘The Skydiving Clown From Hell’.
As you wil find out through the entries in this blog that annoymous blogger is none other than Dallas Wittgenfeld.

There are more articles about Dallas Wittgenfeld with links to several pages about him here prior to the beginning of his online attacks only myself