Discover how Dallas Wittgenfeld and Petri Hooli launched a targeted campaign against the British infrastructure, setting their sights on Rebel X Clan Ltd. Strategies involving spreading false accusations and misinformation
What is Rebel X Clan Ltd
Rebel X Clan, a limited company registered in the UK in June 2023 under registration number 14963506, was founded by Sarli Jayakody, also known as Sarliya Jayakody. The company’s primary focus is on online retail sales, categorized under code 47910, which encompasses retail sales via mail order and the Internet. This aligns perfectly with the evolving landscape of e-commerce and reflects the growing shift towards digital sales channels in today’s marketplace.

Companies House serves as the executive agency of the British Government tasked with maintaining the official register of companies. This agency, part of the Department for Business and Trade, is responsible for incorporating all types of companies in the United Kingdom. It not only registers company information but also ensures that this data is accessible to the public.
Dallas Wittgenfeld’s Attack On Rebel X Clan Ltd – March 2024
In March 2024, Dallas Wittgenfeld, a resident of Orange City, Florida, USA, sent an online message to Sarli Jayakody, threatening to tarnish his reputation using a smear campaign. As highlighted in the numerous articles on this site, Wittgenfeld has repeatedly attempted to defame Jayakody, most recently in September 2024 alleging that he and another cyberstalking victim, Gina Wiffen, were involved in the murder of Daniel A. Bernath. It is important to note that there is no concrete evidence linking either Sarli Jayakody or Gina Wiffen to Daniel Bernath’s death.
“This serious accusation had been orchestrated by Dallas Wittgenfeld, with backing from Petri Hooli, following the acknowledgment by the UK Police and Home Office of the extensive cyberstalking and harassment perpetrated by both individuals. You can read more about this particular accusation here
Numerous articles within this site examine the collaboration between Peri Hooli and Dallas Wittgenfeld, highlighting the alarming pattern of cyberstalking behavior aimed at defaming Sarli Jayakody.
However, some of the most severe defamation attacks were directed at Sarli Jayakody’s business, Rebel X Clan. Dallas Wittgenfeld, engaged in relentless stalking, which uncovered information about Sarli Jayakody from the Companies House website, where Rebel X Clan Ltd is registered.
In his posts, Dallas revealed his discovery, indicating that he had found details about Sarli Jayakody. Then involving Petri Hooli in a coordinated effort to undermine the reputation of Rebel X Clan, as evidenced in the subsequent posts.

As highlighted in the comment by Dallas Wittgenfeld directed at Petri Hooli on his smear account, Special Operator HDQ, it is evident that both individuals have openly acknowledged their active engagement as followers of the Facebook business page for Rebel X Clan Ltd. While there is nothing inherently wrong with individuals following a Facebook Business Page, this article—and the numerous others on our site—reveal that their intentions were anything but honorable as legitimate followers.
In a troubling scenario reminiscent of Dallas Wittgenfeld’s unfounded murder allegations regarding Daniel A. Bernath, both Wittgenfeld and Petri Hooli have colluded to perpetuate additional false claims based on the information they obtained from Companies House.

What you will read below represents only a small portion of the baseless accusations made by Dallas Wittgenfeld backed up by Petri Hooli , who provided no real evidence to support his claims. As you explore the documented proof of their actions, it becomes evident that their motives are rooted in deceit.
Examples of the False Accusations About Rebels X Clan
In true Dallas Wittgenfeld fashion, this cowardly impersonator, known for his stolen valor antics & being involved in fraud, once again turned to his smear accounts to spread baseless accusations against Sarli Jayakody. What you’ll discover is some of the numerous allegations against the company Rebel X Clan which are completely unfounded, lacking any supporting evidence. Most of Wittgenfeld’s claims are nothing more than fabrications stemming from his distorted, delusional mindset. A similar mindset as Petri Hooli.

In one of Dallas Wittgenfeld’s initial moves, he utilized a video sourced from the FBI to grab attention. In his post, he showcased an ‘FBI Warning’ video, strategically leveraging information from Companies House to create a misleading narrative on social media. This tactic suggested that Rebel X Clan Ltd was under FBI investigation.
Dallas Wittgenfeld repeatedly leveraged the information from Companies House to share misleading images revealing the registered location of Rebel X Clan Ltd. This behavior demonstrating the false accusations from the senile Wittgenfeld about the company and Sarliya Jayakody, known as Sarli Jayakody. If the actions where not deemed as serious and life threatening , Dallas Wittgenfeld is almost laughable how much this internet predator obsessed in attacking the company and doxing the information of Sarli Jayakody, by using his smear accounts.
In the posts above, Dallas Wittgenfeld showcases his relentless obsession with tracking down Sarli Jayakody, even resorting to Google Maps to pinpoint the Rebel X Clan’s property. His second post takes a bizarre turn, as he bizarrely claims a satellite dish is an effigy of Batman, revealing the depths of his delusion. This ridiculous attempt to defame Sarli Jayakody doesn’t just reflect his desperation; it also highlights the absurdity of his accusations. Not only does he wrongfully assert that Sarli Jayakody is Islamic, but this self-proclaimed “special forces” fraud also fails to recognize the difference between Batman and a simple satellite dish. Such actions only add to the growing collection of articles that label Dallas Wittgenfeld as a drunken and delusional individual.

Dallas Wittgenfeld appears to be lost in cultural misunderstandings regarding Sarli Jayakody. Despite lacking evidence, he makes outrageous claims branding Sarli as a “Pakistani Islamist.” This, reflects Dallas’s own skewed mindset. Wittgenfeld even conjuring up troubling images of violence linked to a UK location associated with Rebel X Clan. Ironically, similar to the FBI video, Wittgenfeld misuses the well-known Homeland Security motto “See Something, Say Something” to further his own narrative.

Still not satisfied Dallas Wittgenfeld continued spreading harmful misinformation about the company, Rebel X Clan. Besides outrageous claims linking the company to ISIS terrorism & the Taliban to unfounded accusations of involvement in prostitution, the distortions escalating daily! This kind of reckless slander from someone clearly detached from reality.

This video, gives just further examples of unfounded allegations made by Dallas Wittgenfeld. Dallas Wittgenfeld’s claims appear to be nothing more than a product of his own delusions and a desperate attempt at defamation. Wittgenfeld’s action only reveals how this pathetic coward has used slander as a weapon.
Dallas Wittgenfeld Defames Innocent Victims
It’s not uncommon for internet predators such as Dallas Wittgenfeld to target those connected to their victims. In his continuous malicious campaign, Wittgenfeld not only continued his online harassment of Sarli Jayakody but also took advantage of information from Companies House. He used this data of Sarli Jayakody’s associates. Similar to his attacks on Gina Wiffen, he used this information to fuel his narrative, propelling his relentless smear tactics, false accusations and intimidation efforts on innocent individuals and their families.

Even though the individuals pictured above were associates of Sarli Jayakody, none of these individuals had anything to do with Rebel X Clan Ltd. However Dallas Wittgenfeld sought to stalk these individuals and display publicly their images and personal details and associate them to the false accusations which he made.
‘The reference to Dark Triad in the image, again another attempt to slander and defame innocent individuals. Dark Triad itself refers to a psychological theory of personality, first published by Delroy L. Paulhus and Kevin M. Williams in 2002. It that describes three notably offensive, but non-pathological personality types: Machiavellianism, sub-clinical narcissism, and sub-clinical psychopathy. Each of these personality types is called dark because each is considered to contain malevolent qualities‘
Dallas Wittgenfeld’s misplaced confidence in intimidating Sarli Jayakody ultimately backfired, exposing him as the true source of the defamation and slanderous content. Many speculate that part of Wittgenfeld’s ulterior motive was to extort Sarli & his associates through online blackmail, leveraging his unwarranted smear campaign.

Dallas Wittgenfeld clearly led the smear campaign targeting Rebel X Clan. In his subsequent posts, he also revealed his ties to Petri Hooli, which were undeniably evident. He humorously referred to the defamation and slander directed at others as ‘Hooli Justice,’ highlighting the connections between his actions and his associations.
Petri Hooli has made bold claims labeling Sarli Jayakody as a paranoid, delusional narcissist. Yet, it’s worth examining Hooli’s own tumultuous relationship with Dallas Wittgenfeld, which suggests that the real delusions may lie within their dynamics. Instead of pointing fingers, it appears that both parties are entangled in a web of unhealthy behaviors and misguided perceptions.

Companies House Vs Cyberstalkers
When it comes to identifying the intelligence of cyberstalkers, Dallas Wittgenfeld and Petri Hooli certainly take the cake for being among the most misguided. Despite numerous disproven allegations, including interventions from law enforcement in the UK, Wittgenfeld continues to stubbornly pursue his outrageous claims against Rebel X Clan Ltd in September 2024.
As we can see from the post. Dallas Wittgenfeld under the smear account ‘Concerned Citizen’ (Note: The Photo in the profile is that of Jonn Lilyea who died in 2018 and was one of the writers who exposed Dallas Wittgenfeld as a military fraud) . Using Jonn Lilyea’s name and a spoof email account.
Dallas Wittgenfeld claims to have wrote to Companies House claiming Sarli Jayakody and the Rebel X Clan are in trouble.

Dallas Wittgenfeld’s increasing desperation has led him to adopt tactics highlighted in the “Cyberstalkers vs. The iPredator” discourse. In a recent move, Dallas Wittgenfeld leveraged a still from a Companies House video that discusses the ‘Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023: The Story So Far.’ With this, Wittgenfeld has made yet another unfounded assertion, claiming that Rebel X Clan is engaged in illegal activities.

However as you can see from the actual still direct from Companies House YouTube video. There is no mention off Rebel X Clan or any illegal activities within it.

Sarli Jayakody has repeatedly communicated with Companies House and confirmed that there have been no reports against the company, nor any actions being taken against him personally. However these attacks have given the opportunity to highlight the situation further to Companies House, of the actions which Dallas Wittgenfeld and Petri Hooli have taken to attack a company registered in the UK. This situation highlights how certain cyberstalking individuals, who are already recognized by UK authorities for their harassment, continue to expose their own foolishness. Their attempts to defame Sarliya Jayakody only serve as additional incriminating evidence of their slander.
In a more recent development Dallas Wittgenfeld, along with Petri Hooli, has released a new video leveraging the Rebel X Clan name and exploiting images of Sarli Jayakody to further their defamatory agenda. Their approach highlights an evident lack of integrity, as the YouTube channel, masquerading under the name of the late veteran Jonn Lilyea, fails to address the allegations made by Wittgenfeld in this article. Instead, the video misleads viewers into believing that Sarli Jayakody is affiliated with a martial arts organization aimed at targeting veterans.

It’s important to clarify that Sarli Jayakody is not the one who has disrespected a Vietnam War Veteran.
Reality is: Dallas Wittgenfeld, has earned this dishonor through his own actions and behavior. His delusions and deceitful conduct have revealed him to be a military fraudster cam artist, stalker, criminal tarnishing his reputation in the process and incriminating Petri Hooli in the process.
Learn More About Dallas Wittgenfeld