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In this age of social media and cyber crime, it is no surprise that cases of cyberstalking have soared in recent years. Probably like you, I would never have envisaged a situation where I was to become the victim of such a crime.

My experience is unusual firstly because I am male. It is not like the ones you read about in the mainstream media, where an unfortunate woman has become the victim of cyber stalking. I am not a celebrity or an individual who sought to become a social media star, or a singer/actor who is a magnet for attention. What I am is a male victim of cyberstalking crime, through no fault of my own.

My story is about how my name Sarli Jayakody was used as a character’s name in the well known computer game Batman Arkham City 2011 without my permission or knowledge and what has transpired as a direct result of this. Within this particular site Arkham City Stalker – The Confessions of a Finnish Cyber Stalker,

Batman Arkham City 2011
Sarli Jayakody
Batman Arkham City 2011
Entry from Google – Sarli Jayakody
YouTube – Sarli Jayakody

Within his site you will learn about the persistent, fixated, obsessive and unwanted behaviour, the online stalking, harassment and threats due to the name ‘Sarli Jayakody’ appearing in the game..

As well as what can only be described as the ‘cyber stalker’s peculiar reasoning’ behind it.


If any law enforcement / legal entity / members of the Finnish government / Finnish Institutions / Private Individuals / Media / Commercial or Private Organisations, who have been made aware of these sites wish to address me on any of the content. Please do not hesitate to contact me here or via the contact details you have received.

I will apologies now if what you read through this site disturbs you. Please remember, I am the one currently living this experience.

Due to the location of this cyber stalker who resides across the world (in Finland). The Hertfordshire Cyber Crime Unit UK have informed me that they are unable to act, due to cross border restrictions. The Finnish Embassy in London provided the UK response, where I sought help as British Citizen was not helpful.

My reputation has been attacked since the creation of this website.  

I expect the publication off this site will provide ample opportunities to read my name further, in many slanderous ways. No doubt the individual will aim to cover their own tracks/discredit my name, based on the coincidental trend I present here.

I remember visiting my phone provider in Watford, UK during 2021. I told the manager I was experiencing a cyber-attack. The advisor raised one eyebrow at me, as if to say, ‘Not another one!’. I proceeded to show him the things which concerned me. Visibly shaken he commented.

For most, this story is enough of a wakeup call, as they nervously glance at their phones and ask me ‘what do I know about keeping safe online?’.  For those who want to see proof, they are generally silenced by what they see. Many comment that this particular cyber stalker is most likely unwell. As they realize the lengths this cyber stalker will go to and the way he demonstrates his cyber stalking behavior

In some ways I have become immune to, and built resilience, knowing that I am being targeted by a cyber-stalker. A person who will insult my name, yet replicates my life, in the most disturbing of ways. I find solace in considering that this individual’s thought process has somehow malfunctioned, as he appears to me, to display levels of confusion in his actions towards me.

A sick minded man in Finland collecting data on me, so he can become a parasite in my life”.

I’m sure my cyber stalker will tell you, that his actions and words prove his magical psychic downloading ability, which creates these UNNATURAL COINCIDENCES between him and I. Maybe it is a case of magical cookies which he and his bots like to munch on.  

My cyber stalker has told me that “the Finnish government finances his living situation“. It is yet to be determined whether the Finnish government is facilitating and supporting this individual. If so their lack of intervention, means they are sponsoring an individual who has no respect for the support of his own country gives him. An individual who is content to discredit his own nation with his actions, particularly pertinent at a time when new links are being forged with UK. Actions which show, that while we defend ourselves as a nation from a common enemy, another type of enemy is creeping through the backdoor.

I have read up about Finland – a proud nation, steeped in heritage and culture. I am aware that what my cyber stalker presents to me, is not truly representing what the Finnish culture stands for. This may be because of his own political struggles, internal psychological disturbances, which give credence, and purpose, to his actions against me.

This may be due to their failure to understand the severity of the problem. I feel that the Finnish government should be taking a more proactive approach to dealing with this matter. This could be an opportunity to address failure in their holistic approach to social welfare, based on how modern technology has developed over time. 

Even though these actions are aimed at me, based on the examples provided, it shows potential for anyone to be vulnerable to the same. The privacy of Finnish people may have already been compromised by this very same individual. I believe the government of Finland t are probably already aware of this cyber stalker for other reasons.

However, until the government of Finland take an active role in remedying the situation, they are fundamentally leaving British Citizens and the rest of the world, vulnerable to the problems they choose to ignore.

For those who are curious on the subject of cybercrime, digital intrusion and the face of modern crime, may this serve as a unique example of what I have experienced, and which still continues today.

CLICK: To Start Learning the Coincidental Trends of a Cyber Stalker

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