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LBC Radio &The Magic Salmon – Dec 2021



LBC Radio

Tom Swarbrick  Iain Dale LBC 97.4
FB Post from 24th December 2021

The Magic Salmon Stalker

Magic Salmon Productions

Magic Salmon Productions

‘Hiding behind the veil of the internet and making fun of others?’

What the user is referring to is a channel about cyberstalking, harassment, racism, subtle warning for parents to keep their kid’s safe online. IT’S NOT SUBJECTS YOU CAN MAKE FUN OFF

‘Bullying and harassment’

Cyber Stalkers will claim their victims are harassing them.

‘Content under your real name instead’

Seems a bit odd, a person who calls himself Magic Salmon Production makes a statement like this. I’m wondering if their real name is ‘Magic Salmon Productions’ ?

‘It’s sad you have so little going on in your life that you seek to make others feel as low as you do about yourself’

I actually see this above comment very self-reflective of the individual who wrote it.

‘Go get some therapy mate’

Now I wonder where they got that idea I need some therapy.  Maybe this fish talks to the same consultant as my cyber stalker who diagnosed me as paranoid delusional mentioned in The May-July 2022 Confessions or his name sake in The Gaslighting Stalker


Or is it just COINCIDENTAL that very shortly after I spoke/text LBC about cyber crime, the you tube channel which the cyber stalker said was about him, received these messages from the Magic Salmon

an offender who uses the Internet as a tool or weapon of sorts to prey upon, harass, threaten, and generate immense fear and trepidation in its victims through sophisticated stalking tactics

Michael Pittaro, American Military University

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