I mentioned in the chapter ‘The May – July 2022 Confession’. I don’t have a TV or wi-fi coming into my house. This makes it slightly easier to minimalize where the leaks of my digital privacy could be happening. My only companion an old school radio which tells me what’s happening in the outside world.

On Wednesday 22nd December 2021, Tom Swarbrick from LBC asked a question along the lines of ‘Has anyone had experiences or knew of anyone who had suffered from the effects of gaming? I considered my Cyber Stalker from Finland was an example to respond to this as it seems the cause of me being his victim was that my name Sarli Jayakody is mentioned in Batman Arkham City 2011.
I decided I would phone in and tell LBC about my experiences. I figured they would just say no thanks, or I would be in a line of callers for ages and eventually give up on the call.
However, within a few seconds the phone was answered. I was pretty hesitant in telling them my story because it’s a pretty far out story. I offered the producers the links related to the game with the name Sarli Jayakody within it and summarized the situation.
A few minutes later the producer came back to me and told me to be ready to go on ‘Live on Air’. Turn my radio of so there was no feedback coming down the phone etc.

I have to admit I was fairly nervous about the whole thing. I’m about to speak on a national live radio show and tell a radio presenter a story which probably sounds completely bonkers. I didn’t name my cyber stalker or the country he was from.
While I was telling my story, Mr. Swarbrick commented and considered it ‘Terrifying’, ‘and that my name must be Sarli Jayakody’. I assume because of how unusual the name was. Unfortunately, during the conversation, I accidentally swore. Which I was highly embarrassed about and messed up my flow. Lucky for me there is a delay on the radio so that bit didn’t get aired. ‘Apologies Mr. Swarbrick’ for my profanity on your show but thanks for taking time to listen to me.
Mr. Swarbrick then rounded of the topic, while a young lady thanked me for my contribution. I listened intently after I spoke on the show to hear other stories. However, there were no other calls about the subject, maybe due to a lack of callers with stories. Or maybe my story was just too creepy for Christmas and LBC decided on a lighter subject.
A few days later on the 24th December 2021, Iain Dale from LBC started to discuss about online scamming. On this occasion I sent a text message to the station, explaining, the Police that they are powerless to do anything if you are hacked from overseas. To my surprise he summarized the text on air, which I thought was pretty cool of him.
I put a small post on Facebook on the 24th December 2021 thanking both Mr Swarbrick and Mr Dale for their time.

The Magic Salmon Stalker
Now as I mentioned above there always seems to be a coincidence with my cyber stalker and any actions I do online. So it’s no surprise that when another colleague logged into a YouTube account in July 2022, the below messages were found dated 29th December 2021 in the Gmail inbox. The actual comments by this point had been deleted from the public section of the videos, probably by the user.

The actual You Tube channel these comments appeared on, ended up being something this Finnish Cyber confessed were about him. Since he had put in writing that he had been hacking and the channel/videos were about him, no one had bothered log back in to the account since August 2021, as the channel seemed to have served it’s purpose.
However 5 months later, coincidentally after the LBC conversation and the Facebook post going up, The Magic Salmon Productions states the following in their messages
‘Hiding behind the veil of the internet and making fun of others?’
What the user is referring to is a channel about cyberstalking, harassment, racism, subtle warning for parents to keep their kid’s safe online. IT’S NOT SUBJECTS YOU CAN MAKE FUN OFF
‘Bullying and harassment’
Cyber Stalkers will claim their victims are harassing them.
‘Content under your real name instead’
Seems a bit odd, a person who calls himself Magic Salmon Production makes a statement like this. I’m wondering if their real name is ‘Magic Salmon Productions’ ?
‘It’s sad you have so little going on in your life that you seek to make others feel as low as you do about yourself’
I actually see this above comment very self-reflective of the individual who wrote it.
‘Go get some therapy mate’
Now I wonder where they got that idea I need some therapy. Maybe this fish talks to the same consultant as my cyber stalker who diagnosed me as paranoid delusional mentioned in The May-July 2022 Confessions or his name sake in The Gaslighting Stalker
Just another factor to potentially consider. The user of this channel is apparently from Canada. If you research further information about Soldiers of Odin, they are also prevalent in Canada as well. You can check out this article by Canadian Anti Racism Network here
It’s speculative to say that my cyber stalker and the Magic salmon are one of the same person, if at least somehow linked
Or is it just COINCIDENTAL that very shortly after I spoke/text LBC about cyber crime, the you tube channel which the cyber stalker said was about him, received these messages from the Magic Salmon
If you are starting now to understand the concept of Gas Lighting . You maybe able to see that the messages received after the LBC and the Facebook post show are most likely intended to achieve the results of Gas Lighting. A continuous trend of behaviour by my cyber stalker which may suggest an underlying mental health condition within this particular individual
‘an offender who uses the Internet as a tool or weapon of sorts to prey upon, harass, threaten, and generate immense fear and trepidation in its victims through sophisticated stalking tactics‘
Michael Pittaro, American Military University