Petri Hooli is back at it again! After being called out by multiple individuals online, he’s resorted to the classic DARVO tactic, weaponizing Instagram for his agenda. Seeking sympathy from naive followers, he’s throwing around false accusations, slander, and even threats. But here’s the kicker: his desperate moves only expose the real Petri Hooli!
Message from the author: I urge readers to refrain from engaging in any online attacks against Petri Kalvero Hooli . It’s important to recognize that Petri Hooli is not in a stable state of mind. While his behavior is indeed troubling and to many extremely sickening. I encourage everyone to approach this situation with empathy and sensitivity ‘ – Sarli Jayakody’
Cyberstalkers and Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Cyberstalkers often exhibit traits associated with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), characterized by an excessive need for admiration, a lack of empathy, and a tendency to manipulate others for their own gain. In online environments, these individuals may engage in relentless harassment and intrusive behavior as a means of exerting control and asserting dominance over their victims. Their grandiosity fuels a distorted self-image, leading them to believe that their actions are justified, regardless of the emotional damage inflicted on others. The anonymity of the internet can exacerbate these traits, providing a shield that emboldens their predatory behavior, making it difficult for victims to escape the cycle of intimidation.
Open Dialogue Coincidence
Throughout this website author Sarli Jayakody has written on many occasions that he considered his cyberstalker known as Petri Hooli, a 50 year old loner from Finland, seemed to be suffering from some kind of mental health issue.
In one of his first article in September 2022, about the subject, Sarli Jayakody wrote about the Finnish mental health program called ‘Open Dialogue’ suspecting that Petri Hooli was part of this program.
The Open Dialogue program is a collaborative approach to mental health treatment that emphasizes the importance of communication, relationships, and inclusivity in the recovery process. Originating in Finland, this innovative model prioritizes the involvement of individuals experiencing mental health crises, their families, and community members in discussions about care.
Petri Hooli’s DARVO Tactics
In the article ‘The Open Dialogue’ , no one was named .
However Petri Hooli exhibiting behaviors characteristic of the FOUR stalking syndrome (Fixated Obsessive Unwanted and Repeated) while monitoring the website Demonstrated the unhealthy actions inclusive but not limited to employing gaslighting techniques and intimidation in an effort to silence Sarli Jayakody, the author documenting the truth about his behavior. Utilizing classic DARVO tactics, Petri Hooli trying to deflect attention from his own mental health issues by making defamatory and slanderous claims against Sarli Jayakody , without providing any credible evidence of any supposedly psychotic mental health conditions.
Petri Hooli primarily utilizing social media platforms, particularly Instagram, to execute his attacks. These platforms offering him a degree of anonymity, to spread defamatory content against others while evading accountability. However, due to Petri Hooli’s overconfidence and narcissistic tendencies, he provided levels of evidence which have been gathered, that reveal and exposes his harmful behavior.
Examples of Petri Hooli’s Defamation
ZenWarrior75 – Instagram
After the exposure of Petri Hooli’s association with well known stolen valor embellisher and convicted stalker Dallas Wittgenfeld on this site, based on the evidence these two men had put their names to during 2024. Petri Hooli has sought the sympathy of social media by trying to play an innocent victim who is being stalkeed and harassed by the people who he has been documented as defaming.
On his Instagram page @zenwarior75 where he claims he’s a so called ‘Peace Keeper’. This so called Peace Keeper however has still pushed a DARVO agenda by trying to convince an unsuspecting social media crowd that the author and other innocent individuals including women who have exposed him, have targeted him. Again making claims which have no evidence or weight to support them

Petri Hooli’s Public Slander on zenwarrior75 – Instagram
As you can see from the above entry Petri Hooli believes that those who have exposed him for his own actions and defamation are obsessed with him. Hooli failing to realise that every word he speaks only exposes him for what he has done.
As far as the author Sarli Jayakody knows , or as Petri Hooli now seems to refer to him as ‘Sarliya Kanishka Jayakody’ in a weakened act of control over the author. No one has ever sent Petri Hooli a death threat. However there is unquestionable evidence that Dallas Wittgenfeld and Petri Hooli themselves have created fraudulent misinformation against their victims. Additionally based on the actions of Hooli and Wittgenfeld there is documentation passed to the authorities within the victims respected countries of proof that Petri Hooli along with Dallas Wittgenfeld have made considerable death threats against their victims.
When it comes to the claim about Petri Hooli being a pedophile, well unfortunately again due to Petri Hooli’s own actions of posting certain images of children on another one of his Instagram pages. These where highlighted to the Internet Watch Foundation. ( The Internet Watch Foundation are dedicated to eliminating child sex abuse online. It was this organisation which took actions against those images.
Again something which Petri Hooli denies happened, however this trend of denial is an all to familiar pattern of Petri Hooli’s.
Petri Hooli’s Mental Health
The reality it seem is that Petri Hooli is a schizophrenic patient who is in denial. A lost and lonely man in Tornio, Finland (The home of Open Dialogue ) who despises other individuals happiness and success due to the ailments which plagues his own mental health.
As you can see from his own public posts Petri Hooli has a support from the Finnish Mental Health system . One of many posts which he states that he has support for his mental health
This not an uncommon practice of of the ‘Open Dialogue Program’ . As part of the principles and values of Open Dialogue are simple. People are met in crisis within 24 hours of contact and daily until the crisis is resolved. Hospitalisation is avoided and its consequential stigma, preferring to meet in the home.
The phrase “dark night of the soul” has become a popular phrase to describe a crisis of faith or a difficult, painful period in one’s life.

Schizophrenia Vs Dark Kundalini
According to Petri Hooli’s Facebook he also claims he is experiencing what is called ‘Dark Kundalini’. Another form of spiritual awakening.
Hence why Petri Hooli likes to push an agenda that he is in some kind of spiritual awakening. However if you compare the symptom’s of of Dark Kundalini awakening to that of schizophrenia, there is a noticeable comparison between symptoms .
Schizophrenia and negative dark Kundalini symptoms share some superficial similarities, particularly in their effects on perception and mental state, but they originate from vastly different sources.

Schizophrenia is a medical condition marked by distorted thinking, delusions, hallucinations, and emotional withdrawal, often requiring psychiatric intervention. Its symptoms typically manifest through a chemical imbalance in the brain, affecting cognitive function and social interactions.
On the other hand, negative dark Kundalini symptoms arise during the process of Kundalini awakening, a spiritual experience in which dormant energy is said to rise through the body. These symptoms, which can include intense emotional turmoil, confusion, and a sense of spiritual or existential crisis, are often viewed as a challenging, purifying phase rather than a mental disorder.
However, when experienced without guidance, the intense and disorienting nature of these symptoms can be confused with psychological conditions like schizophrenia. The key difference lies in the root cause—schizophrenia is a mental health disorder, while dark Kundalini symptoms are part of a spiritual transformation that requires different forms of support, often from a knowledgeable teacher or practitioner.
Denial can be a dangerous psychological defence mechanism, as it prevents individuals from confronting uncomfortable truths or addressing problems that need attention. While it may provide temporary relief or a sense of protection, it ultimately hinders personal growth and the ability to make informed decisions.

By refusing to acknowledge reality, whether it involves health issues, emotional pain, or toxic relationships, denial can lead to greater harm in the long run, as the underlying issues fester and worsen.

This avoidance of difficult truths can also strain relationships, as others may become frustrated or hurt by the lack of honesty. In the most severe cases, denial can spiral into self-deception, where an individual becomes disconnected from reality, making it difficult to recognise the need for help or change.

Facing difficult realities, though challenging, is essential for healing, self-awareness, and growth, while denial keeps one trapped in a cycle of stagnation and unresolved conflict.
Hence it becomes more understandable with all this denial to do with his own existing mental health issues. Which he claims is brought on by what he claims is ‘narcissistic’ abuse by the victims who are exposing him. That his own associates tend to disagree with Petri Hooli’s mentality in approaching issues were he vehemently attacks others .

Petri Hooli – The Victim
Unfortunately this act of denial by Petri Hooli has put him in a vulnerable position. Petri Hooli himself has claimed he is a man who suffers from depression and cell phone addiction as mentioned in the Cyberstalking – The God Complex. These two ailments with a more serious mental health illness combining in to a lethal combination of cyberstalking.
Petri Hooli not only targeting individuals who have exposed him for his unnatural behaviour online using DARVO tactics such as defamation. But also leaving Petri Hooli exposed to other predators such as Dallas Wittgenfeld who have taken advantage of Petri Hooli’s frail state of mind.
Dallas Wittgenfeld a known American convict who has a well documented history of smear campaigning, defamation, stalking, threatening, substance abuse Who already is associated to the death of Daniel Bernath.
Bernath also was of a frail state of mind at the time of his accident and was on psychoactive medications: Citalopram, Mirtazapine and Trazadone according to the toxicology report.
Similar to Daniel Bernath, Petri Hooli’s manipulation by Dallas Wittgenfeld which has lead to a misguided loyalty to this only contributes to an overall confusion which plagues Petri Hooli’s mind.
Anyone who has familiarized themselves on the actions of Dallas Wittgenfeld would most likely wish to distance themselves from a parasite rather than tarnishing their own names with association.
Additionally Petri Hooli seems very much to have become exploited by others in Finland itself, who have knowingly contributed in acts of defamation to secure their own agenda. Something which the author touched on at the end of Cyberstalking Behaviour 3 in February 2023. However since the publication of those speculative articles. Those individuals have also contributed to a deserved chapter of their own.
Projection is a psychological defence mechanism in which an individual attributes their own undesirable thoughts, feelings, or motives onto someone else. Instead of acknowledging or confronting their own internal conflicts, a person may project these traits onto others, seeing in them what they are unwilling to accept in themselves. For example, someone who feels insecure about their own abilities may accuse others of being incompetent or incapable. This process helps reduce inner tension by externalizing uncomfortable emotions, but it can also lead to misunderstandings and strained relationships, as the projected qualities are not based in reality.
Taking in to some of the factors written above and the acts of Petri Hooli’s ungrounded DARVO tactics so far through out this blog. It become more apparent that the accusations
Petri Hooli claims his victims are – narcissists delusional schizophrenic gang stalking members – are actually self confessed projections of his own behaviours and circumstances.
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This is absolutely shocking. Why have the authorities in the UK not done anything?
The authorities in the United Kingdom have acknowledged that I am subjected to cyberstalking and harassment from both Petri Hooli & Dallas Wittgenfeld. The issue comes down to multi-jurisdictional issues due to their locations. However this doesn’t mean their is no resolve, it just take a little bit more complicated