Is this cyber stalker’s political belief, part of his motivation to harass
Now to clarify, I’m not here to bash right wing politics, especially in Finland. The Finnish Soldiers of Odin’s political agendas seems about keeping Suomi Finnish. What goes on in Finland and its immigration politics has very little to do with me.
I’m from London, United Kingdom, we have plenty of immigration politics going on. But this article isn’t to highlight these matters, it’s here to highlight an element of the type of mentality which exists within my cyber stalker, in line with established research.
The reason why the Soldiers of Odin are being mentioned on this site, is because my cyber stalker seems to also represent their beliefs in what he presents.
If you haven’t heard of them Steffen Bakksigilis gives you a quick overview of who they are?
Radicalization Vs Cyberstalking Behaviour
From researching to understand this cyber stalker’s motives, mentality and symbolized points of political view. I came across the following article on Sisäministeriö’s ( Finland’s Ministry of the Interior ) website about Combating violent radicalization through preventive work .
In the article they write about certain mindsets of individuals who potentially pose a threat
Encouraging or justifying actions on the basis of one’s own view of the world, or on ideological grounds
Fear of punishment does not stand in the way
Individual actors posing the greatest threat
The above is based on right wing and left-wing extremism. However, these characteristics can also be identified in many articles about cyber stalking.
Is it a coincidence that the place where the Soldiers of Odin’s was founded in Kemi, Finland, with a population of around 20,000 has an association to my cyber stalker.
Or maybe it’s a coincidence that this cyber stalker from Finland was presenting a right-wing political point of views publicly at the time the Finnish Soldiers of Odin’s leader Mika Ranta was in the process of being convicted in 2016.
Or is it’s just a coincidence that the behaviour and actions displayed by this Finnish Cyber Stalker is identical that to the mentality the Government of Finland identity as radicalization.
On the Sisäministeriö’s website they refer to Desiderius Erasmus quote
‘Prevention is always better than cure’.
This quote slowly appearing more and more in the realms of cyber safety for individuals. It seems strange to me that a government office in Finland makes such a statement, but their Embassy in London then seem disinterested when notified of an issue coming from their country.
The Coincidental Nazi
More coincidences revealed about this cyber stalker based on right-wing mentality
Some honorable mentions about this particular cyber stalker and his peculiar coincidences with the right wing.