Being born in the United Kingdom as a person of an ethnic minority in the 1970’s. I faced my fair share of racism. This was mainly fuelled by the “Rivers of Blood” speech made by the British Member of Parliament Enoch Powell on 20 April 1968. Random outbursts of skinheads calling out at ‘dirty paki’ at 4 years old. You can imagine at 4 years old I didn’t have a comprehension of what ‘paki‘ meant, just the feeling the person didn’t like me. Later in life you realise that’s racial slur, which is kind of strange as the word mean is derived from the exonym Pakistan. The term Paki (پاک) means “pure”.

Kind of a ridiculous irony really that an individual with racist intentions based on a ‘Pure Breed’. Is calling one of the ethnic groups they hate ‘Pure’. It’s through life’s experience, knowledge and understanding of racism, that I have built my own personal resilience to it. Mainly to spot it, not react to it, not it let it affect me and generally avoid it.
‘A European Union report on minorities and discrimination found that Finland is one of the most racist countries of the European countries – Yle
In the below articles I have written about certain identifying factors about this Cyber Stalker from Finland which are connected to
The right wing, white supremacy and Nazi symbolism
It’s understandable that maybe in Finland where the ethnic minorities are greatly less than UK. A Finnish man displaying himself as a right-wing fascist may have the ability to intimidate. Especially when they want to keep their cyber stalking victims silent.
It’s one way of using threatening behaviour online.
If you are from Finland and you want to be part of the Soldiers of Odin because you don’t like how your government run’s your country that’s nothing to do with me.
But bringing that Finnish right-wing mentality as an intimidation to a guy sitting in London, United Kingdom, because you don’t like that his name ended up in the Batman legacy. Only exposes part of the twisted mentality of this cyber stalker from Finland.
Here over in the United Kingdom, we already have our fair shares of right-wing racists like this. The interesting thing about the article is that the photos this right-wing fantastic poses in brandish weapons, are almost identical to the ones this cyber stalker from Finland use to put up on his social media.
The UK Police where informed off these concern alongside many other peculiar behaviours from this cyber stalker in April 2021.
Right Wing Coincidences of Cyber Stalker
Cyber Stalker poses in front of Confederate flag and post images of himself with Nazi Swastika in 2016
Soldiers of Odin a right-wing group was founded in Kemi. Mika Ranta leader if soldiers of Odin sentenced in 2016. Cyber Stalker associated at one time to Kemi
Cyber Stalker seems to associate himself with a Finnish Solider who served in Waffen-SS. Imperialist eagle tattoo on cyber stalker’s right arm. Displaying the controversial KISS Flag logo associated with the SS. Displays of the Punisher logo on a constant basis again associated with the Schutzstaffel (SS)
Cyber Stalker puts up threatening message on social media for Sarli Jayakody, stating Vengeance is mine a quote from Deuteronomy 32:35. However, the same line is the name of a Finnish death metal band called SENTENCED got up in a controversy of being secret “Nazi” sympathizers.
Transforms the old age excuse of I’m Not a Racist, I Have Black Friends’ into social media posts
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