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Cyberstalking Harassment

The intention behind this site was to present to the reader the past actions of this particular cyber stalker from Finland.

However, during the time, I have been writing these articles. This cyber stalker has made his presence known through online deformation, harassment, threats, gaslighting and all types of unsavoury behaviour

The following articles below are based on the words and actions of this particular cyber stalker. If you understand the core of the following articles. You may question why the Police in the UK have not done anything with a stream of continuous evidence

Cyberstalking Harassment

Learn from example and cross referencing how a cyber stalker monitors their victim over a three-month period

Learn about the four behaviours of cyberstalking with these live examples how a cyber stalker implements them

A short summary of Gas Lighting and how a cyber stalker uses them against their victims

Learn how a cyber stalker encourages others to harass through social media, as well as make death threats against their victim

Read how this Cyber Stalker uses the Police from Finland in his threats and gas lighting against their victims

Discover how this cyber stalker uses biblical quotes which can be associated to right wing philosophy to try to harass his victim

A new course of harassment read how this cyber stalker uses Batman Arkham City forums to try to drown out his victim