In cases of cyber-crime such as cyber stalking many authorities on the subject recommend that you report the matter asap. There are obviously other recommendations and guidelines which you should follow in securing your digital privacy.
I recommended within certain articles on this site, that if this apparent law-abiding citizen from Finland feels the way they do.
Then it’s better he contacts the police force in Finland.
I’ve been making plenty of noise about my situation for years in the UK and still am. So surely it would be very easy for the Police force from Finland and the one in the UK to cooperate in this situaton. So, clarification can be found in these matters and certain statements can be answerable to.

In a recent comment left on this site on the 12th October 2022 by a person who goes under my cyber stalkers name and who has generally been leaving gas lighting comments, seems to have taken the initiative.
“I’ve reported you to police now twice”

Ok, well past my laughter, I am not really sure how to respond to that?
Did I miss the memo for the first report?
Did they want a gold star?
Why are they telling me?

Common sense generally prevails when reporting most cases of crime
You don’t advise the person you reported of this action?
It’s a matter for the police
Where I have written about law enforcement involvement in my situation, I am referring to the past tense.
I was advised by the Police from Hertfordshire Police to pretty much close down any unnecessary social media, reset my passwords, phone and many other useful tips. As I had previous communications unwittingly with this cyber stalker over lockdown 2020, the Police specified not to have any communication with my cyber stalker. Hence, I did what the police advised.
Cyber Stalker’ Memo
It seems I did miss the memo about the police based on the following post from my cyber stalker on the 24th September 2022.
It seems that this particular cyber stalker from Finland reported me to the police twice. The actual deformation, threats have been edited out of this screenshot. However, the hashtag section summaries the nature of this post.
As you will see in the Instagram post, he’s letting me know. as well as informing the general public. He has even tagged the Finnish Police Instagram.

You wonder if the Police of Finland need more ‘likes’ on their Instagram for such an action to be done. That they advise victims of crime to create posts on public social media pointing out who they have reported by name and tag them at the same time. Maybe it’s a new police initiative by the
I suppose with all these comments received, I need to take it to the Finnish authorities again and hand myself in.
According to this cyber stalker I am a wanted man by the Police in Finland
The Law-Abiding Cyber Stalker
I am assuming that the Police of Finland already know about my cyber stalker. This law-abiding citizen from Finland was posting publicly about making reports to the Police in Finland.
However, this cyber stalker was publicly justifying why he had been downloading certain incriminating images to do with a completely different subject on his computer

Coincidentally on the same day I was reporting him for cyberstalking, harassment and hacking to the Police in the UK in April 2021
Mr. Paranoid Cyber Stalker
Vengeance is mine! Biblical prophecy or just uncovering another right wing agenda
Read what happens when this cyber stalker realises his public posts of harassment, deformation and threats are drawing attention to himself.

alcohol Ammattiopisto Lappia arkham city ArkhamCity arkham city stalker artist batman Blackl Lives Matter Cyber Crime cyber stalker cyberstalker cyberstalking cyberstalking Harassment dallas wittgenfeld DARVO defamation deformation of character Finland Fixated gaslighting hacker Harassment hearme identity theft Instagram kemi mental health Nazi Ninja Obsessive Pegasus Spyware Petri Hooli petrihooli philosopher Police poverty Racism Right Wing Sanna Marin sarli Jayakody Slander Soldiers of Odin stalker suomi warrior