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Mental Health

Mental Health Awareness?

Many people who have read this site or have heard my story, have found it disturbing to hear or read. Anxiety levels rise as individuals start to rise as they read and recognize the strange trends and behaviours of this cyber stalker from Finland.

An individual one time justified his ability to know things down to some kind of magical power

This magical power however seems to be in the form of

Cyberstalking, Hacking, Privacy Invasion, Harassment, Threats

As you read through these articles, REMEMBER I am writing about a true account of an on-going cyberstalking which I am having to deal with.

If you pause for a moment

If you consider what I am writing about here and take the pessimism from your thoughts. What I am writing about here on this site is an individual in Finland.

One who I have reported to the British Police several times for hacking and cyberstalking. Who has been highlighted to the Finnish Embassy in London for harassment
Who has somehow managed to track down both these sites and within days of them appearing online
An individual who has publicly slandered and encouraged harassment against me
Has sent gaslighting comments to this website Arkham City Stalker
Seems obsessive and fixated on tracking the name ‘Sarli Jayakody
Seems to be living of the welfare system in Finland and a potential alcoholic
Who lives is located in an area known for treating psychotic illnesses
Who seems to display an allegiance to a right-wing faction in Finland

It wouldn’t be a far wrong conclusion to consider

That this cyber stalker demonstrates. A motivated jealousy, influenced by right-wing politics. Most likely fuelled by alcohol and a mental health illness. Living on Finland’s welfare system.

An individual using his digital freedom and the generosity of his country

To carry out a targeted cyberstalking, hacking and harassment on citizens of other countries

An individual whose action so far are is in line with


If you are caught in this situation The British Police will adamantly tell you that they cannot do anything if the cyber stalking is coming from overseas. your stalker comes from Finland, The Finnish government in London seem to consider that issues such as this caused by their citizens. Is no longer their problem, if it is not affecting their country.

I haven’t actually written yet what I would consider the more disturbing behaviours of this citizen from Finland. So, it is understandable that since July 2022 when this site was created, more comments had appeared publicly containing my name Sarli Jayakody written by this particular individual. However, it also gives credence to the reason I am here writing these blogs as a male victim of cyber stalking

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