~ After failing with attempts of online harassment, deformation and threats against their victim. The cyber stalker from Finland reverts to a new course of harassment in the hope to drown the truth ~
Since the 14th of October 2022, this cyber stalker from Finland has taken a course of action to try to cover their tracks.
After they realised they were incriminating themselves
By writing deformation of character, slander and threats which they had been writing publicly on the internet. However, this change of strategy unfortunately does not mean the issues which lead to this unhealthy fixation and obsessiveness of this cyber stalker has been resolved.
If you have been a victim of a cyber stalker, then you would know this very well
Over the years I have been sending the police/organisations URL links to do with Batman: Arkham City 2011 and the name Sarli Jayakody from various Fandom’s as part of the evidence behind this unusual case of cyberstalking.
Based on the coincidental trends of this cyber stalker. It should be me no surprise that since the disappearance of the majority of my cyber stalkers slanderous comments over social media.
A sudden new entry has appeared on one of the Fandoms to do with the game, Batman: Arkham City 2011. Surprisingly it’s called Arkham City Staff, maybe the individual who created it found some inspiration from the title of this website Arkham City Stalker.
As you can see from the phone recording it seems the name Sarli Jayakody is so important in the legacy of Batman: Arkham City 2011 that it has appeared as one of the first eight names on the staff list.
Title: Arkham City Staff
No First Paragraph
Alphabet not constructed correctly
The name Sarli Jayakody is written perfectly
Similar to the Otosection website I mentioned about in July 2022
The obsessive, fixated behaviour of this cyber stalker
The authors of these entries only seem to be concentrated on the name Sarli Jayakody. These actions start to make the Finnish Cyber Stalker more obvious of who they are.
Maybe this is part of the vengeance in the message they decided to leave for Sarli Jayakody over social media
UPDATE – 6th November 2022
While reading through this site you will start to become more and more aware of how the actions of the cyber stalker from Finland operates. A coincidental trend which at the time he stated was part of some esoteric ability
Following from the above ‘Arkham City Staff’ (1st November 2022) video above. The magical ability of the author of the Arkham City Staff page seems to have decided to edit it based on my observations
The title has now changed to ‘Staff’
The author has now added some images where there was once and empty paragraph
and as you will see
The name Sarli Jayakody has suddenly disappeared
“Stalkers are increasingly turning to high-tech tools to track and monitor their victims. They are using mobile apps and digital surveillance software to track their victims, remotely monitoring texts, emails and calls and turning on a device’s camera or microphone from a distance”
Now the relevance to the above entries based on the fandom goes back to 2013 when I first started to discover why my name Sarli Jayakody was in the game. Members of the Hertfordshire Cyber Crime Unit and solicitors were also informed about these in the fandom, their links and their relevance to this cyber stalker in Finland.
This recent coincidental trend only falls in line with cyber stalker behaviour, in an attempt to regain power over a victim
Fueled by their obsessive and fixated jealousy, combined with what seems like a potentially decreasing mental health state.
Seems however based on the unstable mentality of this cyber stalker.

Who wishes to continually provide further proof of
Their own guilts to those who are starting to understand
#dallaswittgenfeld alcohol Ammattiopisto Lappia Antii arkham city ArkhamCity arkham city stalker artist artist.warrior.philosopher batman blackhistorymonth Blackl Lives Matter coincidence Confederate Contradiction Cookies Crime Cyber Crime cyber stalker cyberstalker cyberstalking cyberstalking Harassment dallas wittgenfeld DARVO defamation Deformation deformation of character deland depp Digital Intrustion Finland Fixated florida gaslighting Gas Lighting hacker hacking Harassment hater hearme hooli identity theft Instagram intimidation Introduction Jaakko Seikkula Kalvero Kurkiala kemi Keropudas KISS KKK LBC London magic salmon productions Malware mental health mentalhealthawarness myspy Nazi Ninja Obsessive open dialogue Open Dialogue Finland orange city Pegasus Spyware Pelttari pete Petri Hooli petrihooli philosopher Police poverty Privacy Psychotic illness Racism Radio Repeated Right Wing Sanna Marin sarli Jayakody Sarliya Kanishka Jayakody skydiving Slander smear campaign Social media Soldiers of Odin stalker stalking suomi T1J the cyberhelpline UK Threat TomSwarbrick tornio Tornio Finland Unwanted victimsvoice violence warrior Zenwarrior