After another disappointing conversation with the Hertfordshire Cyber Crime Unit in the middle of November 2021. A female office from Hertfordshire Cyber Crime Unit.
Repeatedly telling me about cross border politics, adamant the police could do nothing due to this
I decided I needed a break from thinking about how I am going to resolve this situation of being cyberstalked and harassed. I was not actively using the internet, however I was still facing a cyberattack, from this particular citizen from Finland
Earlier in November 2021 I had met some technicians who worked for Trend Micro in a coffee shop in Liverpool Street Station,UK. From listening to my story, they advised me that most likely my email which was attached to my iCloud account could be the cause of the intrusion of privacy. So, it’s not too surprising that the access to that email account suddenly became blocked.
I painstakingly went through all my accounts, called all my banks/credit cards/online shopping facilities to get my email updated. I was up at 5am collecting numbers together to try and be first in line for a call. Fortunately, my theory worked and all service providers acted with awesome efficiency to start resolving my issue. My presence online from November 2021 had been pretty much zero accept in creating some social media accounts FB: and Twitter but I rarely used them. Other times during November 2021 – May 2022 I would be searching to find out what kind of support there was for victims of this kind of crime. I had spoken to an advisor from The Cyber Helpline in January 2022, who also made a similar suggestion just, create some social media, leave it and see what happens.
I kept a low profile off the internet till around May 2022. Actually, in this age of booming technology in 2022, I do not own a TV or even have a wireless connection coming into my house. You may laugh but it’s actually quite liberating. However, when you start understanding the real reasons behind it, you may reconsider that laughter.
Since I came back online slowly based on advice given, I have been monitoring my name ‘Sarli Jayakody’ through google searches. To see if I was still being stalked.
By someone incessantly typing my name in to the internet or still monitoring my digital activity.
Strange when you have to stalk yourself to see what your cyber stalker wishes to write or replicate about you.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca,
Roman Philosopher
The Coincidental Website
The first entry appeared on in first week of May 2022.
As I mentioned above, I had created some social media accounts and just left it dormant to see if any sign of a breach of my privacy or any further entries to do with my name would have happened. As it had been almost 6 months with very minimal activity on social media. I thought I would start using my Twitter account @sarlijayakody
On the 3rd May 2022 I saw a post from Matt Lucas appear in my feed. I knew Matt Lucas back in 1984 before he became the celebrity most people know now. I think I only met him three times, just another kid amongst a bunch of new faces in the new neighborhood my family had decided to move too.
Anyway, I thought I would send him a tweet to say ‘Hello’ to him. I didn’t actually think he would even remember me. I mean this is a guy who has starred in major Hollywood movies and is on many UK TV productions. A well known house hold name with probably a fan base which I wouldn’t even want to put a number too. So the likely hood of him remembering Sarli Jayakody from almost 40 years ago seemed pretty slim.
However to my shock, Matt Lucas said ‘Hello’ back on the 4th May 2022. I felt quite honored he remembered me, so I made a small post on my Facebook and on the 11th May 2022 added a Twitter feed and some social media links to my website ‘’.

On the same day the following new website COINCIDENTALLY appeared. A site created by user called Otosection.
The link which address is: Otosection/com switched to Ringbee/com then to Sriweddings/com
Some URL’s bait users to a malicious or fraudulent web page. Most clickbait links lead users to suspicious websites and steal their personal information. Cybercriminals use these URLs to hack a user’s personal device.

I am sure maybe the more technically advanced can explain why that was happening, what I know is best to keep away from a site which responds so strangely. From doing a little bit of research, I found some further answer about malicious websites and Clickbait
Anyway on this site Otosection site dedicated to Batman Arkham Series Rogues Gallery City Character TV, amongst the gibberish as you can see below my name spelt so perfectly. I didn’t know my name Sarli Jayakody was so important to the Batman Legacy.

Also a small thing to note, if you read the gibberish carefully you will see the words ‘small name, big ego’ Which seems coincidental with the underlined statement I have written on my Twitter ‘A Small detail in a big picture’ below which was added in May 2022. Just another example of the COINCIDENCES.

As I had provided all links about my name to the Police from early in 2016/2019/2021 and also to a solicitors firm in 2020/2021 and myself checking for entries on my own name Sarli Jayakody all the time. The coincidence of this site seems very much in trend with the actions of this Finnish citizen who I was highlighting to the Police in the UK.
The Coincidental Instagram Post
The first entry on on 4th July 2022
Recently in July after the first posts where put up here on The Confession of a Finnish Cyber Stalker. The Finnish Citizen who I reported as a cyber-stalker and harassment decided to create a post about me on a popular social media site. This screen shot comes from a google search on ‘Sarli Jayakody’ on the 4th July 2022. As you can see he clearly names me in the post.
He has written that I have taught him a kick from a martial art style I know. This kick is frequently featured in his posts on a regular basis. Here he also starts mentioning about a Kundalini awakening. This Kundalini awakening, he used as an excuse at one point on how he knew so much about me. I sent this entry to a member of the Hertfordshire Cyber Crime Unit. So, there was record of it.
Seems strange that a man who accuses me of ‘hallucinating, being a paranoid delusional and creating hate towards him’ continues to train a kick I apparently taught him so obsessively. It’s a bit of a counteractive statement to say the least.
Based on the trauma I caused to him, described in my cyber stalker’s post above. I would like his practicing of this kick, to a holocaust survivor wearing their stripped pajamas, as a reminder of the horror they have been through. As an individual with a martial arts background. If someone taught me a kick and then upset me. I most likely would learn a different kick, one to counteract the one I learned from someone who caused me so much suffering.
Maybe my cyber stalker is a bit confused, again showing some signs of mental instability in his expression for me. A conflict of love and hate it seems; Or maybe his ability to create online slander
My cyber stalker also claims that I am delusional as my name is in Batman. My name does indeed appear in Batman Arkham City 2011 this is without doubt. It’s a fact. A former employee of Rocksteady Studios, London, UK who worked on Batman: Arkham Series wrote it in there.
Something my cyber stalker does not want to accept

My cyber stalker also claims he used counter psychology against me in his post. I am not sure if that’s another term for hacking, spyware, malware, stalking? You will recognize what he considers counter psychology through the articles in this site
My cyber stalker mentions that I think he’s a Super Villain called Geist. You will learn a little bit more about this Super villain, as I will show you how this statement itself and several similar made by this Cyber Stalker is another confession of who he is.
Identifiable Cyber Stalker Behavior
If you research into behavior patterns of cyber stalker, many learned professionals and sites highlight actions which this kind of criminal takes. If we put these now into a perspective to the examples I have written about above, you can start to see this identifiable behavior of a cyber stalker.

Cyber stalker Statements vs Cyberstalking Behavior
Cyber Stalker Statement – ‘Several hate accounts against him’
Cyberstalking Behaviour – ‘Makes allegations that the victim has harmed them or their family’
Cyber Stalker Statement – Hallucinations/Paranoid Delusions
Cyberstalking Behaviour – Aim’s to create humiliation to damage the victim’s reputation
Cyber Stalker Statement – Counter Psychology for four days
Cyberstalking Behaviour – Monitoring their target’s online activities to gather more information about their victims
Cyber Stalker Statement – The entry was on a well-known social media site
Cyberstalking Behaviour – Encouraging others to Harass their victim
As you can see in both the entries 1 and 2 it shows the MONITORING and OBSESSIVE FIXATED behaviour of this cyber stalker If you notice from the entries on Instagram on the 4th July 2022, changes or adds a new post on the 6th July 2022 in line with what actions I have taken myself.
It’s not uncommon for a person to deflect their guilt on to their victims. I am fairly confident my medical record with the National Health Service has no record of me having any mental health issues which would meet the criteria the cyber stalker has described. However, I wonder if the Finnish or maybe Swedish health services could say the same about this Cyber Stalker?
The Indonesian Confession
So let’s take a closer inspection at these two entries I have mentioned above.
If you look at the name of the site of the above Batman Rogue Gallery created by a user called Otosection on the 11th May 2022. Google translates ‘Otosection’ as an INDONESIAN
On the 4th July 2022 my Cyber Stalker publicly declares I’m an INDONEISAN Martial Artist.

Is this a COINCIDENCE that a new Batman entry is created with my name, by a user with an INDONESIAN name, during May 2022 the site is created?
Is it COINCIDENCE that the man who I highlighted to the Police and Finnish government for cyberstalking, hacking and other disturbing coincidences is writing I am an INDONESIAN martial artist within the same time period I start to publish a website about a cyber-stalker in July2022 ?

Is it COINCIDENCE that after I sent the text message to the Police that all of a sudden, the entry has changed to discredit and write slander and deformation about my character and what happened to the INDONESIAN Martial Artist disappeared?
Let’s talk about the names of the URL’s of this site in particular. Originally the site name was under the domain artist-warrior-philosopher.
If you search the name artist warrior philosopher on google, you will find many entries relating to a book written by Paul Strathern called The Artist, The Philosopher, and the Warrior: A book about Da Vinci, Machiavelli and Borgia, three iconic figure.
So the actual site domain name is a common one and does not rank in any of Googles top listings, Nor in any search on cyberstalking or Finland
However, in both the creation of and Arkham City Stalker, this cyber stalker COINCIDENTALLY seem to make his presence aware
Finally I don’t think my cyber stalker from Finland likes me writing about him as recently another entry also came up since beginning my website. I’ve only recently used the title ‘Writer’ since 2021, due to the fact I couldn’t get anyone to write this site for me, as mentioned in the Introduction. However, it seems again someone wants to relate my name to pictures of cesspools of Feces. So for my name to appear on a page from 2013 with the last few month, seems coincidental.

Plus further entries from the individual who has been highlighted for Harassment, Cyberstalking and hacking. Seems he wants to PR my name on other website?
Another tactic from an individual who rather me not exposing the truth off his actions, because the more I write here, the more you will realize a cause for concern.

I would like to point out a few things about this cyber stalker he’s a huge comic book and video game fan. It reflects in his artwork. As I mention in a further blog. He had a habit of ‘blending’ himself in to images of his favorite superhero/villain. Based on his collection which he used to display on his Instagram, it seems to be a hobby from childhood.
So it’s understandable that part of his underlining motivation for his cyber stalking is JEALOUSY , due to the fact the name ‘Sarli Jayakody’ is now immortalized in the Batman Legacy.

Cyberstalkers are often motivated by negative emotions or serious psychological factors. Psychiatric illness, obsession fixations, revenge, hate, anger and jealousy are common affective states fueling the cyber stalker.
– iPredator
Just a final point about my cyber stalkers actions of DEFORMATION OF CHARACTER towards my name in his constant HARRASMENT and CYBER STALKING. If my cyber stalker feels he had enough evidence to quantify that I have harassed him. WHY HAS HE NOT REPORTED IT TO THE FINNISH POLICE?
FOUR – Fixated Obsessive Unwanted Repeated
FOUR warning signs that someone’s behaviour amounts to stalking
Learn how this cyber stalker from Finland reveals his behaviour pattern in line with what is defined as the four behaviours of stalking

Related Article
You can read more about a replication of the above behaviour using Batman: Arkham City forums from this cyber stalker.
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