I wrote my last entry here on the 14th October 2022 titled Cyberstalking IQ. Where the intelligence of this particular cyber stalker decided that they would inform me that they have reported me to the police in Finland.
You would think with such a statement that my cyber stalker would rely on the cooperation of the Metropolitan Police and the Police of Finland to bring me to justice. However, this does not seem to be the case.
Since my last article, the entries I wrote about containing the name ‘Sarli Jayakody’ from my cyber stalker from Finland had been writing about disappeared.
It seems maybe reality is hitting this Finnish Cyber Stalker of how his stupidity has now revealed who he is, essentially incriminating himself
I did however come across a new entry from my cyber stalker with a new message for Sarli Jayakody

My cyber stalker seems not to rely on the powers of the Finnish police force to do their job. This cyber stalker is more adamant to proceed with further levels of harassment according to the hash tag.
In Finland there was a death metal band called SENTENCED who wrote in 2005 a track surprisingly called
Vengeance is Mine
If you listen or read the lyrics, they generally about making a death threat such as
‘ Fantasies of bashing in your brains’.
A lyric which however spring out more than any other is
‘Obsessively I am watching, I am stalking, I am following’
Ironically based on articles written about ‘Racially Motivated Cyberstalking‘ where this cyber stalker from Finland seems to demonstrate coincidences with right wing mentality. The Finnish band SENTENCED got up in a controversy of being secret “Nazi” sympathizers. After allegations were made that they were using a motto used by the Hitler Youth organization
If the real reference to ‘vengeance is mine’ is to this coincidental Finnish song, it’s only
Another underlying threat made by a parasite in Finland, revealing his right-wing motivations
The quote in the bible Deuteronomy 32:35 ultimately reflects about God’s wrath being bestowed upon man.
Stalker Being Stalked

You can also see from the above entry from that my cyber stalker seems to consider that I’m stalking him? This is probably a statement of their counter psychology they mentioned in Obsessive. This kind of statement is also classic cyber stalker behaviour as I wrote in The May – June Confessions.

The thing my cyber stalker forgot to consider is having an unusual name like Sarli Jayakody. People who read this blog, friends, family, strangers are naturally going to start typing in the name ‘Sarli Jayakody’ in to search engines to find out.
Who has something to say about ‘Sarli Jayakody‘
I don’t need to do any stalking or have a fake account as he accuses me off. Maybe that’s him just revealing his current plans for revenge.
The reality is people look for the truth and then come back and ask questions
My cyber stalker in his desire to cyberstalk, harass with online deformation forgot, by writing about ‘Sarli Jayakody’ others are going to start to
Watch, Stalk, Follow My Cyber Stalker
The followers he has generated for himself are through his own venomous actions
People don’t like it when they hear/read this story. It frightens them to know that such individuals exist and how vulnerable their privacy is. So, they watch and follow the dangers online and come back and inform me of their own accords. The news on the grape vine about this cyber stalker is
He has now a new job status as an artist (Taiteilija). The most unemployed job status you can have. Most artist will understand what I mean by that.
My cyber stalker’s social media, seems have a cutback from 3000+ followers and 2000 posts down to under 100 and less than 50 posts
A new improved Instagram version was also spotted of this cyber stalker posing as a sophisticated connoisseur with a cigar
My cyber stalker has taken to hiding themselves behind a shield as a profile photo apparently

Seems my cyber stalker hopes his new image and shield will protect him from the truth of his actions, present and past!
Arkham City Staff
Discover the fixated behaviour of how a cyber stalker monitors their victim
Is this the beginning of the vengeance my cyber stalker quoted in his online posts? This cyber stalker from Finland reverts to a new course of harassment in the hope to drown the truth of his actions

#dallaswittgenfeld alcohol Ammattiopisto Lappia Antii arkham city ArkhamCity arkham city stalker artist artist.warrior.philosopher batman blackhistorymonth Blackl Lives Matter coincidence Confederate Contradiction Cookies Crime Cyber Crime cyber stalker cyberstalker cyberstalking cyberstalking Harassment dallas wittgenfeld DARVO defamation Deformation deformation of character deland depp Digital Intrustion Finland Fixated florida gaslighting Gas Lighting hacker hacking Harassment hater hearme hooli identity theft Instagram intimidation Introduction Jaakko Seikkula Kalvero Kurkiala kemi Keropudas KISS KKK LBC London magic salmon productions Malware mental health mentalhealthawarness myspy Nazi Ninja Obsessive open dialogue Open Dialogue Finland orange city Pegasus Spyware Pelttari pete Petri Hooli petrihooli philosopher Police poverty Privacy Psychotic illness Racism Radio Repeated Right Wing Sanna Marin sarli Jayakody Sarliya Kanishka Jayakody skydiving Slander smear campaign Social media Soldiers of Odin stalker stalking suomi T1J the cyberhelpline UK Threat TomSwarbrick tornio Tornio Finland Unwanted victimsvoice violence warrior Zenwarrior