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Cyberstalking Behaviour 2 – Obsessive & Fixated

#sarlijayakody vs The Finnish Cyber Stalker

As mentioned in the previous chapter, this cyber stalker from Finland feels it’s ok to wave a paper accusing me of ‘defamation’ which apparently warranted an authorized intrusion of privacy, to record an image from my phone, to put it on to public social media in the form of a death threat. Since he feels he is entitled to do these actions, he has invited me to show you why I think this particular citizen from Kemi, Finland has drawn me to a conclusion that he is a cyberstalking, hacker with a right wing mentality as well an underlying serious mental health problem., which draws him to having an unnatural interest in children.

Now in the previous chapter ‘Who is the more likely cyber stalker‘ I started to reveal this particular cyber stalkers trend. A subtle replication of action and events which happen in my life, who this cyber stalker has accredited to some sort of psychic power he has.

In The May – July 2022 Confessions I wrote about how on the day I started this blog, my cyber stalker was suddenly making all sorts of accusations about me . Which one minute was talking about some Magical Kundalini Moment and eventually changed to something more sinister, after I sent the entry to the last investigating officer .

Now remember this is a man who claims that I am guilty of ‘defamation’ as off March 2021. But here he is on the 6th July 2022 doing a kick he considers I have taught him. But at the same time saying that I suffer from hallucinations and I am having paranoid delusions .

This statement with the photo seems very contradictory. It must be something to do with the way this apparent Zen Warrior sees the world


Petri Hooli the.warrior.artist

This photo which is on was taken of me in Indonesia in 1999.       It’s a kick relative to the self defence system I was studying at the time.   It was considered a good photo, so was used on promotional material.    I think at one point in 2011 it was my Facebook profile photo on my old account , before I had to close it down due to the sudden realization that someone was trying to invade my privacy.

Sarli Jayakody #sarlijayakody #sarli #jayakody

So as we can see from these two photos , it seems this particular cyber stalker from Finland likes to create himself in the same pose as I am in

Sarli Jayakody #sarlijayakody #sarli #jayakody
Petri Hooli #petrihooli #zenwarrior #thewarriorartist


Now there is a fundamental mistake in this parasite from Finland’s kick. I think most of my students who I have taught will know where that mistake is, as well as competent martial artists. By the way notice the guard in the photos, we will come back to that shortly.


During October 2021 I created a Tik Tok channel called the purpose of it was for several reasons. The First reason was to just mess around with content to understand how it worked. So I created a concept of a guy who couldn’t box stuck in a small space being encouraged by a cat. It kind of lost it’s concept as I’m not a boxer, more of a traditional martial artists.

The second reason for the tik tok was to help the charity organisation which were offering boxing club activities for under privilege children get a insight in to how the social media forum could be used. The aim was to get the kids from the boxing club to start creating their own Tik Toks of their training to a main Tik Tok run by the clubs organiser. was to show the organiser potential content ideas and how the kids themselves could keep their face out of their videos.

Unfortunately due to the realization of the incessant targeted attack of this Finnish cyber stalker on my digital privacy. Additionally based on images which this cyber stalker was putting up at the time. It seemed that the same coincidental trend as I have started displaying here about this cyber stalker. Was continuing but on this occasion, it seemed this parasite from Finland wanted to replicate himself in the same pose, as the kids who were posing for boxing photos. These subtle coincidental trend of pose and time which you may start to recognize about this cyber stalker. Are the reasons I suspected I am under a digital attack of my privacy. Either way I ended the project from my side and distanced myself from the organisation realizing what kind of man this cyber stalker potentially could be.

Below is again further examples where this parasite from Finland seems to replicate things he is seeing about me. While I was filming I had my face covered like a ninja in most of the video’s Unidentifiable.

As you can see from the below videos from TIK TOK, in most of them I have my face covered In this one I am still in my hallway at home doing a nunchukka sequence with a pair of useless foam chukks. I prefer the weighted ones they flow better. But make some observations about the two doors, the sequence, the music, the space.

And how does this all end up being replicated back by a cyber stalker who incessantly following you around the internet and taking every opportunity to invade your privacy.

#fixated #obsessive #unwanted #repeated
The obvious kick again with a mask
The Masked Martial Artist training in a tight space
Mr. Nun chukka Extraordinal
The appropriately named Facebook folder Martial art. warrior life

The same pose in the photo of myself in Indonesia , however a change in the right guard. I studied this photo for a bit and thought I would give it a try. I think it comes from the secret ‘Star Fish’ Style, member of the Catfish clan. Well good luck with it Warrior Artist, I suppose it’s one way of getting a free vasectomy. If you want a fight with me , ask your Jyrki Saario Defendo crowd to arrange it and I will ask one of my female friends to teach you about your kick.

However jokes aside, the above is yet another example which contributes to this strange behaviour of this citizen from Finland.

A behaviour which can only be described as

Fixated, Obsessive, Unwanted and Repeated

Besides the nunchukka video , all these unusual coincidences happened in line with what I was doing and images I was filming on my phone. Sure it can be argued that most of my material was on public social media. Which is a fair enough and understandable if random individual’s are replicating it. However as I am demonstrating in these examples. Even when you can not see my face, it’s only seems one person who seems to be replicating on a constant, obsessive, fixated and repeated way. This cyber stalker from Kemi, Finland.

Cyberstalking Update

This article as you can see from the admin screen shot was published on 10th February 2023 at 22:59

And as you can see in this post on by this strange individual from Finland on the 10th February 2023 at 23:26, exactly 27 minutes after an article has been written about a man who is potentially a right wing cyber stalking hacker with a mental heath issue and and an unnatural interest with children is suddenly posting a photo which kind of confirms everything I have written above.

A Fixated and Obsessive Individual who in every actions shows he’s stalking. Of course he calls it counter-psychology

I could continue writing and giving you a dozen more examples of how this particular individual from Finland, has attempted to replicate my life in martial arts. The man who posts recorded images of my phone such as this one. Presents it in the form of a death threat, but continuously tries to replicate what he hates!

the work of petri hooli
#petri #finland #hooli


Now read this statement from this individual in Finland , one who claims he has a IQ higher than most people. It was written in 2022, as an attempt of gas lighting by this Finnish man, you have been reading about.

Freudian slip, an unintentional error regarded as revealing subconscious feelings. Seems this individual who I consider is a cyber stalker doesn’t know his own name. He Google’s his name ‘Sarli Jayakody’

And apparently I am a paranoidical schizophrenic, which this particular individual also claims he’s an expert on?

Coming Soon

Have you ever wondered if someone can spy through your camera. Learn how the below pictures contribute to how this cyber stalker from Finland, lets you know what he is seeing.

Next Article

Learn how far this cyber stalker from Finland will go to expose the truth being exposed about his actions

Arkham City Stalker

alcohol Ammattiopisto Lappia arkham city ArkhamCity arkham city stalker artist batman Blackl Lives Matter Cyber Crime cyber stalker cyberstalker cyberstalking cyberstalking Harassment dallas wittgenfeld DARVO defamation deformation of character Finland Fixated gaslighting hacker Harassment hearme identity theft Instagram kemi mental health Nazi Ninja Obsessive Pegasus Spyware Petri Hooli petrihooli philosopher Police poverty Racism Right Wing Sanna Marin sarli Jayakody Slander Soldiers of Odin stalker suomi warrior

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