I’ve done plenty of travelling in my time. I ‘ve experienced life in America, Europe, Middle East, Asia and the Far East. I would like to think I am fairly open minded to people and cultures.
I did not know much about Finland before this cyber stalker decided to make his presence known to me. The articles I have written below are about Finland based on reasonings which maybe additionally influencing my cyber stalker’s personality. I wouldn’t say they are a fair reflection of the Finnish culture. However, these are the aspects of the Finnish culture which this particular cyber stalker from Finland decided to present.

Cyberstalking Finland
A speculative point of view based on the social economic climate of Finland against what this seemingly Sad Cyber Stalker presented of himself via social media
Based on The Sad Cyber Stalker, when individuals feel hardships from within their own country. It’s not surprising that a group like this in Kemi may end up recruiting an individual like this cyber stalker
This cyber stalker’s harassment and insults are very generally orientated based on clinical psychology. Seems these deformations of character maybe revealing the truth about this cyber stalker.
How can you expect a country to address matters of cyberstalking when they are unable to protect their own top secrets. They look outside their borders when actually the problem maybe home grown.
A short summary covering the actions and behaviours of the Finnish cyber stalker. As this cyber stalker starts to reveal his behaviour in line with what is considered by experts as cyberstalking
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