This article is a short summary about Dallas George Wittgenfeld, a serial defamer & smear campaigner from Orange City, Florida who allied himself with self confessed cyberstalker and psychiatric patient Petri Hooli from Finland. Both Petri Hooli and Dallas Wittgenfeld were recognised by the British Home Office in March 2024 for actions of cyberstalking and harassment based on evidence supplied by Sarli Jayakody.
I will cover more about this unholy and pathetic alliance from these two internet parasites in a further blog
Dallas Wittgenfeld – Highest Ranking Member of Stolen Valor
However for now I will focus my attatnion on to Dallas Wittgenfeld. I can’t say that I know to much about Dallas Wittgenfeld. However if you are to do sone research on Dallas Wittgenfeld. You will find plenty of articles about this childish 75+ year old man and his behaviour which is not exclusive to defaming & attacking myself (Sarli Jayakody). Most of the articles I have read, state a long history of stalking, fraud, violence, abuse, psychological issue and alcoholism . Which has lead to Dallas Wittgenfeld being known as the ‘Highest Serving Member of Stolen Valour‘

What I know is Dallas Wittgenfeld is a military phoney exposed by Don Shipley for actions of Stolen Valor and running fraudulent scams and a general history of making himself look like a bit of a douche bag . He seems to feed his own frail ego with illusions of grandeur. But ultimately seems to be nothing more than a delusional and oversensitive drunk loser.
Dallas Wittgenfeld reminds me a lot of Ike Clanton from the 1993 film Tombstone. A guy with a very big mouth, likes to threaten people but has very little back bone. An individual who gets in to everyone elses business and as you will find out causes even problems for those he thinks he is helping. In England we generally summarize a guy like Dallas Wittgenfeld as a dickhead.

Below are some of the sites which have published articles about this common criminal and internet parasite known as Dallas Wittgenfeld.
If you want to have a laugh on how foolish one person can be , click on any of the links and they will undoubtedly give you a true insight in to what Dallas Wittgenfeld is.
However if you want the quick version who Dallas Wittgenfeld is I suggest you watch the Tik Tok video below from Gerald Greysmith.
When Dallas Wittgenfeld started smearing my name with his foolish behaviour this was the first thing I came across when researching in to who is this dickhead called Dallas Wittgenfeld and ironically after now almost a year of dealing with Dallas Wittgenfeld, What is presented in Gerald Greysmith’s Tik Tok is fairly accurate when it comes to Dallas Wittgenfeld.
Video showing Dallas Wittgenfeld’s behaviour from
Article about Dallas Wittgenfeld from the website
Article about Dallas Wittgenfeld From the website
Article about Dallas Wittgenfeld from the website
Extract about Dallas Wittgenfeld from the website Konigun Ninjers

Article about Dallas Wittgenfeld From the website Colorado Springs Bujinkan
Article about Dallas Wittgenfeld from the website
So it’s not to surprising to know based on most of these articles how Dallas Wittgenfeld himself through his own stupidity put himself behind bars and was told to undertake a psych evaluation

When it comes to myself and Dallas Wittgenfeld, well his involvement with me is due to the actions of Petri Hooli as you will soon read about as both these men have made it apparent that they are working together to defame myself.. But through those actions of defamation have only achieved incriminating themselves.
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I thought this idiot was dead?
I’m sure this is a consensus many of Dallas Wittgenfeld’s victims probably hope for but sadly its not the case