On the 12th September 2022 some comments appeared under a few articles on this site. Coincidentally it was written by a user who had the same name as the cyber stalker I have been reporting to the British Police, The Embassy of Finland in London and other professional organisations.
This individual seemed to be a critic of my work. Amongst his comments was this one where they state

‘Your rambling starts to be tiresome’
My articles are my own opinions based on an experience of cyberstalking which I am facing, as written in the Introduction. Surely if a person finds it tiresome to read, then there are other interesting things on the internet to read about. It’s a fair enough comment in one way as I have professed, I’m not a writer so my explanations maybe slightly long winded. However, as I have written in the previous article this cyber stalker who is intent on harassment has already expressed what he thinks of me writing by attaching my name to feces.

However, this cyber stalker already has
‘Nobody believes your hallucionations, expect you yourself‘
I’m assuming the user meant ‘Nobody believes your hallucinations, except you yourself’. As you read through this site you will become aware since its creation, my cyber stalker has resorted to public deformation as well as additional online harassment. All common cyber stalker tactics and behaviours which identifies them, this was expected, nothing unusual, so receiving a comment such as this is no surprises
Am I hallucinating?
The Police in the UK Hertfordshire Cyber Crime Unit on seeing what I presented them. Focused more on prevention rather than cure. Cohen Davis Solicitors who are specialist in internet law, where also extremely helpful in giving me, guidance and advice based on what I had told them.
The gentlemen I met from TrendMicro in Liverpool Street station also seemed to consider my words legitimate, as they were quick to advise me on technical solutions on the possible root cause to where my privacy was being breached. Even an advisor from The Cyber Helpline, also acknowledged my concerns based on his technical experience how my privacy was being invaded. Again, at no time did he suggest to me that I should consider getting a therapist.
Now recently more and more people are engaging on to this website, ranging from professionals to students. No one has questioned my sanity of what I am writing about.
Yes, it’s an unusual story and the questions I get asked are usually receive an answer which leaves the questioner thinking
Most are shocked that the British Police are limited to intervene, and the Government of Finland allows their citizens to become digital threats to the international community.
Gas Lighting
Recently in the media during 2022 there has been a lot of coverage of the trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. Amber Heard is allegedly said
‘No one will believe you because you are a man’
This statement, along with many others were considered as Gas lighting.

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation, where someone manipulates another person into doubting their own sanity.
“It’s making someone seem or feel unstable, irrational and not credible, making them feel like what they’re seeing or experiencing isn’t real, that they’re making it up, that no one else will believe them.”
Paige Sweet, Ph.D., assistant professor of Sociology at the University of Michigan
Manipulators have a tendency to present one face to their prey and another to the rest of the world. Leading victims to assume that if they ask for help or speak out, no one will believe that they are being emotionally abused.
Those who employ the tactic of Gas Lighting often have an underlying mental health condition such as personality disorder, narcissistic personality or anti-social personality disorders .
I suppose the individual who has made these comments, is hoping that I will stop writing about this cyber stalker and his actions
This Cyber Stalker resorts to encouraging others to harass their victim, as well as covertly making death threats online
Read how a cyber stalker encourages others on social media to harass their victim, as well as further examples of deformation of character and threats

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