On the 19th September 2022, I published the article The Gas Lighting Stalker which covered intimidation techniques in the form of Gas Lighting which this cyber stalker from Finland thought appropriate to undertake. Within the article I mention
‘Those who employ the tactic of Gas Lighting often have an underlying mental health condition such as personality disorder, narcissistic personality or anti-social personality disorders’
This is again reiterated in psycom.net where they quote Susan McQuillan
“Certain Mental Health conditions such as narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder lend themselves to gas lighting as those illness give people a distorted view of themselves and other and a propensity towards manipulating others for their own ends by any means necessary, as well as never acknowledging their own culpability or faults and projecting that onto others.“
Susan McQuillan, MS, RDN
So, it’s no surprise shortly after the article had gone up. The below comment appeared with my name in it from the individual who I have reported to the Police for hacking, cyberstalking and harassment.
As I have explained in LBC & The Magic Salmon, this particular cyber stalker actually admitted that the social media channels where about him.

No one had actually accused him of anything, he just wrote the videos where about him on his own account
Again, he is clearly naming me ‘Sarli Jayakody’ in his statements with the same diagnosis, which is untrue and essentially a deformation of character. I welcome my cyber stalker to supply medical evidence to back his statements. As everything I write about in this site I can back up.
Cyber Stalker Behaviour – Aimed to create humiliation to damage the victim’s reputation
Cyber Stalker Behaviour – Monitoring their target’s online activities to gather more information about their victims
It seems that I need to pay for my crimes. Well, I’m not hiding from anyone. The British Police as well as The Embassy of Finland have been informed of this situation. I am easily contactable via the links here or sarli-jayakody.com. It seems my cyber stalkers preference is to encourage others to take actions against me.
Cyber Stalker Behavior – Encouraging others to Harass their victim
If you read the hashtags to the entries, it is apparent the direction this post is meant to take.
As we can see from the hashtags and the statement above, there seems to be a lot of Sarli Jayakody’s in his post and here again in the hashtags. Seems my cyber stalker is determined to associate me with a mental health illness. Or maybe it’s just part of his obsessive fixation he has on me that he has to continuously type my name.
He has also hash tagged the #SUOMENPOLIISI which is the Police in Finland. As well as hash tagging #UKPOLICE. I have already invited my cyber stalker within past articles to go to the Finnish Police and make a complaint.

Surely if this cyber stalker has such concerns about me being this paranoid schizophrenic and has all this evidence against me. He should have gone to the police and reported me in July 2022, rather than start a campaign of cyberstalking and online harassment.
But judging from his post, my cyber stalker doesn’t seem to actually consider the police is the way to go
It seems more that I have #helltopay and it seems he wants #revenge. I am assuming that the #deadshot is reference to Batman: Arkham City 2011 as that was the character who killed #SarliJayakody in the game.

He also mentions #drug and #druguser again if they are aimed at me, I welcome him to go to the Police with that information. However, it’s just another action proving slander and deformation maybe motivated by his intention to discredit the story I write here.
Also note that the deflamatory remark made by this cyber stalker from Finland is based on me having some kind of mental health illness and I should pay for my crimes. Seems that this cyber stalker from Finland does not seem to understand the meaning behind #mentalhealthawareness
The objective of mental health awareness is to educate the people about mental illness, the causes, and the process through which they can deal with it
The Importance Of Mental Health Awareness (entertales.com)
Seems this cyber stalker’s intention is to use the excuse of a mental health illness to create victimisation and harassment
The post from this individual in Finland is simply a
Similar to many others he has written to me, over a long period of cyberstalking he has been allowed to get away with in the past. I actually thought based on the comment made under his name which I displayed on The Gas Lighting Stalker. He found my work ‘tiresome to read’ , seems his obsessive, fixated persistence has made me some kind of #drug to him.
The past is what this cyber stalker does not want you to read about.
I suppose this site is called Confessions of a Finnish Cyber Stalker and based on this above article my cyber stalker seems to be happy to provide it in writing within these online threats of harassment.
Cyberstalking IQ
The Cyber Stalker from Finland tries to intimidate his victim by publicizing fake police reports on social media
After attempts of harassment, gaslighting and threats fail, this cyber stalker claims he contacted the police. However does this false report also reveal part of this cyber stalkers dark secrets.

#dallaswittgenfeld alcohol Ammattiopisto Lappia Antii arkham city ArkhamCity arkham city stalker artist artist.warrior.philosopher batman blackhistorymonth Blackl Lives Matter coincidence Confederate Contradiction Cookies Crime Cyber Crime cyber stalker cyberstalker cyberstalking cyberstalking Harassment dallas wittgenfeld DARVO defamation Deformation deformation of character deland depp Digital Intrustion Finland Fixated florida gaslighting Gas Lighting hacker hacking Harassment hater hearme hooli identity theft Instagram intimidation Introduction Jaakko Seikkula Kalvero Kurkiala kemi Keropudas KISS KKK LBC London magic salmon productions Malware mental health mentalhealthawarness myspy Nazi Ninja Obsessive open dialogue Open Dialogue Finland orange city Pegasus Spyware Pelttari pete Petri Hooli petrihooli philosopher Police poverty Privacy Psychotic illness Racism Radio Repeated Right Wing Sanna Marin sarli Jayakody Sarliya Kanishka Jayakody skydiving Slander smear campaign Social media Soldiers of Odin stalker stalking suomi T1J the cyberhelpline UK Threat TomSwarbrick tornio Tornio Finland Unwanted victimsvoice violence warrior Zenwarrior