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The Sad Cyber Stalker

From researching into the Finnish culture to try to an understand a little bit more about the potential motivations of this cyber stalker based on what he has presented. I found several articles and videos about the demographics in Finland.

According to the BBC, Finland ranked happiest country in the world – again but this maybe not the case for my cyber stalker.


Since this citizen from Finland decided he wanted my attention through cyberstalking, invading my privacy and harassment. Besides the points I have covered in the section entitled ‘Racially Motivated Cyberstalking’, it’s worth pointing out the following about how this cyber stalker was representing himself.


This cyber stalker on many occasions liked to pose on his social media drinking alcohol.   More than the usual consumptions you would expect someone to be drinking on a daily basis.

Drinking however in Finland is seen as a prestigious act and is often encouraged by peers. It is very much entwined into the Finnish culture as a norm. 

From information available online, the results of this drinking culture seem to be that 

There are approximately 216, 000 Finnish citizens who are alcoholics
560,000 Finns consume alcohol above the risk levels

It seems that this cyber stalker is an alcoholic and through an intoxicated state of mind justifies his cyber stalking and harassment


There are two types of poverty in Finland, absolute poverty and relative poverty. Absolute refers to when the minimum of food, clothing and housing are not met. Then there is relative poverty which refers to the clear disadvantage of an individual or group, compared to the average standard of living or lifestyle of the rest of the population

The European anti-poverty network states ‘In Europe, the definition of poverty is generally based on a low income, which is 60% of the median disposable income of household.

In 2019 the low-income for single-person household was euro15000/year approx. Which equates to around 1200+ euro/month approx. It was reported that around 12% of Finns (669000) were in the low-income bracket. Some of the reasons for this are low unemployment, lack of basic welfare, to expensive lifestyle, payment defaults, getting into debts.

It could be possible he’s an angry person venting because here in the UK we are all apparently live in the land of milk and honey

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence seems to have been a big issue in Finland. According to an article in Yle

Nearly half of women suffer sexual, physical violence

Eva Biaudet

Part of the continuous issues of domestic violence is that many kids may have witnessed or suffered from it. Many times, alcohol may have been involved in these situations. Later in life these unfortunate victims sometimes, become perpetrators of their own acts of domestic violence or as victims.

Maybe my cyber stalker experienced domestic violence as a child. This could be why the use of Gas Lighting techniques in his constant harassment.

Gas Lighting is more commonly found in cases of domestic violence

All the above social problems are common issues in every country, especially in this cost-of-living crisis everyone is facing.

If my cyber stalker is in long term receipt of benefits, funded by the government of Finland. This mean that he has had a lot of time on his hands.

Taking into consideration the possible social circumstances which my cyber stalker was presenting on his social media, he is potentially facing as written in this article.

‘It’s sad you have so little going on in your life that you seek to make others feel as low as you do about yourself’

Magic Salmon Productions

Which is mentioned in LBC Radio &The Magic Salmon – Dec 2021, as a self-reflective statement from the individual who wrote it.

Next Article

An Open Dialogue with the Finnish cyber stalker or just another coincidence

Based on this cyber stalker’s harassment of his victim, he seems to be an expert in clinical psychology. Are these deformations of character to their victim revealing the truth about this cyber stalker.


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