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Cyberstalking Behaviour 1 – Death Threats

Recently it’s been drawn to my attention that my cyber stalker has been waving bits of paper around on the internet and writing away about Sarli Jayakody.  So since this parasite from Finland wishes to now accuses me of a cyber stalking. Fair enough! You can be the judges of who you think is the cyber stalker.

Myself, Sarli Jayakody whose name appeared in Batman: Arkham Asylum 2011.  It’s quite an honor to be mentioned, even as a small detail in part of a Batman legacy.  An honor most likely wasted on me as I am not really a hardened Batman fan.   The link between the name and its entry in to Batman:  Arkham Asylum 2011 can be traced back to a connection between myself and the game designer from Rocksteady Studios in Kentish town, who entered my name without telling me.  Warner Brothers themselves already know about this connection, as it was them who decided in April – May 2021 to get in touch with me.  So there is not really a question of where the name originates from for it to have appeared in the game. 

I’m an individual who has an established career, travelled the world and still travelling.  A known martial artist, known by other martial artists & sportsmen, photographers, artists, celebrities, politician to name a few. Appeared in the papers, national tv and radio. I have a family and most normal people find me an interesting person . The police here in the UK know I’ve been in touch with them going back prior to 2017 about a suspected privacy due to the name Sarli Jayakody appearing in Batman: Arkham City 2011

#sarlijayakody #sarli #Jayakody

An individual who in the past has been more than happy to show his right wing allegiances, lives in a town which is known as the birth place to the Soldiers of Odin. This Finnish man who claims to be an expert in diagnosing psychotic illness. And since having coincidences mentioned in Open Dialogue. Has been publicly trying to get empathy for having mental health issues but at the same time is making death threats to someone he considers has a psychotic illness


Suspect A:  Sarli Jayakody who can pretty much prove the link between his name and it appearance in the game Batman: Arkham Asylum 2011. Who has been seeking help from many organisations to try to end this cyber stalking action. Which based on an admittances is being carried out by a depressed, unemployed Finnish man in the middle of North Finland.


Suspect B: A Finnish Man who seems to be on the bottom rung of Finnish society, a forgotten discarded soul, Who is currently making death threats and trying to convince the world that a person called Sarli Jayakody, apparently has a psychotic illness. As he is realizing his years of cyberstalking is being exposed on this site.

Sarli Jayakody #sarlijayakody #sarli #Jayakody
Cyber Stalker from Finland

Just for your info the one of me was taken on the 19th January 2016. This one of Suspect B from Finland was posted up in 2022.

The Finnish Cyber Stalker Death Threats

As we can see from this cyber stalkers recent actions below.  He has put this rather expressive piece of art up.  Yep that’s a photo of me , but not one which was on social media or any public forum. 

The art work of Petri Hooli #petrihooli
#Petri #Hooli
Continuous Death Threats Made by a Cyber Stalker in Finland
However this particular cyber stalker from Finland seems to have this above image of me.

He’s even letting those on social media know that he has these photos. Images which where not published anywhere on social media but this cyber stalker uses them as content for his social media to try to cover up his actions.

But also to make threats, as an actions of intimidation and to create further harassment amongst social media forums

This is no surprise as it’s not the first time he has used one of my photos which he has recorded of my phone in a threatening manner. Actually he actually admitted to having screen shots of my face in August 2021. Even though at that point he had never spoken to me on my phone and in theory should not have had my phone number or any images like this.

Now if you study this cyber stalkers image, you can see it seems that Batman is pointing a gun to my head.  Or maybe he is trying to tickle my inner ear.  Most who have seen this image recognize it as an expression of a death threat. A continuation of what this cyber stalker has already been writing on  many occasions through his social media posts as covered in Mr Paranoid Cyber Stalker where he mentions ‘Vengeance is Mine’ which seems to be a lyric to do with a death threat Additionally, as I’m sure you can see this rather disturbed individual has decided to deface my image.

Defacing by Petri Hooli

As I have written in the chapter about Racially Motivated Cyberstalking this Cyber Stalker from Finland, seems again to demonstrate tactics associated with Neo- Nazi mentality.

But look closely at these images If we now compare the image I have on my Facebook on the left, as you can see there is a coincidental similarity in the image created by this cyber stalker from Finland on the right.

And just so there is no confusion where this photo on the right came from and who should be credited for

death threats made by Petri Hooli, Kemi, Finland
The Art of A Finnish Cyber Stalker

Now since I know this Cyber stalker is on Facebook.  He was the first person to be blocked.  Hence for him now to replicate an image which was on my Facebook would mean

A small example in itself showing cyber stalker behavior as recognized by experts as

However the actions of this particular cyber stalker, besides fulfilling the above behaviour pattern is an actual more disturbing reality about this man from Kemi, Finland.

Since this cyber stalker wants the public to know who he is and believes he has grounds for deformation and feels entitled to make death threats.

This cyber stalker from Kemi, Finland since it seems he wants attention, has now invited me to reveal actually the reality which I have been skirting around in my previous blogs

Next Article

Learn more about this coincidental trend from this parasite from Finland and how his threats demonstrate a Fixated and Obsessive behaviour

Read more about the evidence which has caused opinions to consider that this man’s behaviour is that of a cyber stalker on a very unhealthy level

Arkham City Stalker

alcohol Antii ArkhamCity artist batman Blackl Lives Matter Cyber Crime cyberhelplineuk cyber security cyber stalker cyberstalker cyberstalking cyberstalking Harassment deformation of character Finland Fixated gaslighting hacker Harassment hearme identity theft kemi Keropudas Lähemmäs mental health Nazi Obsessive paranoid Pegasus Spyware Pelttari pete philosopher Police poverty Repeated Right Wing Sanna Marin Slander Soldiers of Odin stalker suomi thecyberhelpline Unwanted victimsvoice warrior

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